Sister Rastislav Ralbovski belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, which are located in the Croatian Province in Djakovo. It was she who initiated the pilgrimage to Medjugorje for people with special needs, and this June, this pilgrimage will be held for the fifth time.
Last August, at the Youth Festival, she testified and also spoke about her connection with Medjugorje as she has been coming here since 1981: “Most people who come here have their own intentions and needs. That is why some young people came here in the winter, most of whom had many problems and were going through crises due to their families, addictions or psychological difficulties. A group was created to provide support to these young people. It gradually increased and today it is part of the program that we carry out with special love and care. Thanks to the late Father Slavko (Barbarich), since 1997, we have started taking disabled people with us on pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Since then, we have come here every year.
Happily, these pilgrimages have recently become international, and we have strong support from the Medjugorje parish, which provides free accommodation and food, as well as a wonderful program throughout this period. Here, in the arms of our Mother, we, who are healthy people, learn how to discover the value and perfection of people with special needs (the gift of life of these people – in other words) and at the same time receive huge unconditional love and joy from them. These are the parishioners of Medjugorje who always tell us at the end: “We received much more than what we could offer and give them.” We also supported groups from other programs in Medjugorje. However, everything developed slowly – without advertising. What does prayer support mean for us? We usually associate it with a person free from suffering, but this is not always the case.
For example, if a person is possessed or mentally ill – with a certain chronic form, we are faced with a situation that is difficult to resolve. But God can always do a miracle! However, mostly such conditions remain for life with all their consequences. The cross will always remain a mystery. I only try to do what I learned from the Mother of God. It’s just being here and now for these people, being there even when you don’t know what to do for them right now – just being there. We try to create a support for them, thanks to which they will feel loved and accepted, feel that they have their own dignity. God loves these people and He makes no difference between them and us who are healthy. What is really important to me is to create an atmosphere of acceptance, love and approval, to let them know that they have their own dignity, regardless of their stigmas – psychological condition or mental illness. We have so much to do for them! It was here that the Mother of God taught me how important it is to convey to them this good news (Gospel) that Jesus left for his Church. Two important projects have arisen thanks to this therapeutic group of St. Joseph, which consists of people with disabilities, their parents and friends.
We also involved the international movement of “Faith and Light” communities. There was also a friendship group created among young people with life problems of various kinds, mainly of a psychological nature. Involuntarily, a good combination was created: these young people come as volunteers, as friends – to help people with disabilities. It is a very valuable experience to be close to a person who is suffering! “said Rastislava’s sister.