About the community

“The Light of Mary” Community is a private association of faithful people who are dedicated to imitating the life of The Mother of God. Through prayer and sacrifice, we aim to bring The Light – Jesus – to the modern world. Our goal is to aid in God’s promise of salvation through The Mother of God.

The example of Mary’s life encourages us to spread The Word of God. As members of the community, we strive to offer our lives to God and serve our neighbors through a contemplative and apostolic life in the heart of the Catholic Church.

Purpose: to bring faith back to people’s lives as we invite people to conversion with the goal of the salvation of souls. 


Personal  and Group Prayer
The Holy Mass and Adoration, Contemplation of the Gospel, Prayer of the Rosary, Fasting, Dedication to The Immaculate Heart of Mary, and The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Prayer Communities and Mary’s Centers 

 We usually meet once a week to pray the Rosary in the intentions of the Mother of God, read the Holy Scriptures, and pray for those in need. The meeting ends with a dedicated prayer to the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.

We unite spiritually in prayer on the first Saturday of every month. If possible community members organize a prayer meeting. We pray  three rosaries, participate in The Holy Mass, and Adoration.

Community Member Activities are primarily carried out in countries that were part of the former Soviet Union and Slovakia alongside other countries. We establish prayer communities that identify specific needs in the parishes, dioceses, and their respective countries. We organize and facilitate spiritual exercises, renewals, prayer meetings, adorations, and pilgrimages. We spread the light of the Gospel by all possible means of communication. 

Reception of the Needy
During certain windows of time the community opens its doors to young people who recognize their vocation, people going through hardship, people who want to deepen their faith, priests and consecrated individuals who wish to spend more time in silence and prayer, families who want to deepen their spiritual life, and people who want to give some time to God for community service.

Spiritual help

Community members provide spiritual support, guidance and support through conversation and prayer to those in need.

Material assistance

Community members develop charitable and humanitarian activities. They organize pilgrimages, renewals, spiritual exercises and specific material donations for the underprivileged.