Just say the word! (Father Slavko Barbarych, OFM)
Just say the word! (Father Slavko Barbarіс, OFM) Christ comes not only to praise Him, but also to enter our lives completely. This is
Just say the word! (Father Slavko Barbarіс, OFM) Christ comes not only to praise Him, but also to enter our lives completely. This is
Profound prostration (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM) After the solemn singing of the preface, the faithful joyfully call out: “To HimWho comes”. He is blessed, sent
I give You my heart and open it to You (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM) After reading and listening to the word of God there
I praise You, oh my God! (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM) After repentance and regret for sins, the Church reveals to us the joy of meeting,
Everything that has been said so far, especially praying the Rosary and meditating on its mysteries, as well as praying with Mary and praying to
Mary, you are the Mother of the High Priest Jesus Christ. By the words that you pronounced at the Annunciation, “Behold the handmaid of the
We continue with our preparation for Holy Mass. The Sorrowful Mysteries introduce us into the mystery of suffering. Holy Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of
It is important to underline once again that Mary is educating and teaching us in a simple way. As a Mother, she says only what