“Out of love for us” Mother Mary sends us. (Fr. Marinko Shakota, OFM)

Message of the Mother of God, Queen of Peace, September 25, 2024


“Dear children! Out of love for you, God has sent Me among you to love you and encourage you to prayer and convertion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God, Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to My call.” (With Church approval)


“Out of love for you, God has sent Me among you”God acts and reveals Himself in different ways.  It often happens through angels and people. First, He sent the angel Gabriel to Mary to reveal His plan for Her and nowadays He is sending Mary to reveal His will to us.

God always acts out of love. Out of love for the people of Israel  He sent Moses to free the people from slavery. He also sent the prophets to lead His people from a sinful way of life to a righteous one. Out of love for  human beings He sent His Son Jesus to save us. “Out of love for us” Mother Mary is sent to us.

God loves man, but not because man deserves it, but because God’s love is boundless. Jesus says that God’s love is like the sun, which  He makes  rise on the evil and on the good. What happens within us or does something change when we hear and know that God loves us unconditionally? “to love you and encourage you to convertion and prayer for peace in you and in your families and in the world.”God sends us Mother Mary for three reasons: a) to love us; b) to encourage us pray; c) to encourage us to convert for the sake of peace. a) To love us: The Mother of God always loves us, but now She wants us to feel and experience Her love for us in a special way. The love of God’s Mother is great and free as well as God’s one because She loves unconditionally even when we are evil. b) To encourage us to prayer:We can only be encouraged to prayer by Our Lady for  the reason of our indifference to prayer. The Mother of God does not force us to pray but rather corrects us as she wants us to live the fullness of life that contains labour and prayer as well as taking care of our body and soul. c) To encourage us to convertion for the sake of peace:A person can have peace and live a sinful way of life, addicted to alcohol and drugs. This is a false peace. There is no true peace without conversion.The Mother of God’s path to peace always begins with a person. First peace must begin within person’s own heart and be spreaded in the family. Then we need to carry peace into the world which we live in.”Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace.””Dear children, don’t forget!” – the Mother of God reminds us, because we forget about God and God’s kindness to us. We forget about the prayer,Eucharist, God’s Word… We forget that the source of true peace is in God and that it comes to us only through prayer. The psalmist experienced this: “There is peace only in God, my soul” (Ps. 62, 2). Saint Augustine experienced the same thing. He looked for peace everywhere and found it in God: “…for You created us for Yourself, O God, and our heart will be restless until it rests in You.”Jesus calls us: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, learn from me, for I am quiet and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11, 28-30)We will not find peace if we  deal with our difficulties and think about our wounds, sins, restlessness all the time. Jesus offers us a solution – that’s turning our gaze away from ourselves towards Him, looking at His heart, learning from Him and taking upon ourselves His yoke which is His love. If we get to know His love and decide for His commandments and live according to His “designs”, then we will feel that His yoke is sweet and His burden is light.There is an example of a person who lived such way of life. This is Mother Teresa. When a New York journalist  saw what Mother Teresa was doing for the sick and the poor, he said: “I wouldn’t do it for a million dollars!” Mother Teresa told him, “Me too.”Therefore we should not convulsively seek peace and happiness for ourselves, but like Mother Teresa, should serve for the sake of peace and happiness of others, for the sake of people who are wounded, poor and addicted… Then we will not even know that we have found peace and happiness.


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