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Br. Bože Milić on the 43rd Anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje: Here everyone gets what a sincere heart seeks

Br. Bože Milić on the 43rd Anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje: Here everyone gets what a sincere heart seeks

On the 43rd Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje, in addition to the numerous pilgrims from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were also groups of pilgrims from: Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia,…

Spiritual retreat for the priests in Medjugorje has begun

Spiritual retreat for the priests in Medjugorje has begun

Spiritual retreat for priests began in Medjugorje. This spiritual retreat is taking place for the 27th time, and this year the theme is “Mary has chosen the good part…” (Lk 10, 42). The lecturer at this…