Fr Ljubo Kurtović, OFM

A time of prayer

This simple and short message of Our Lady is extraordinary because it is all too short. We have become accustomed to messages with a few


Keep converting

The invitation of Our Lady is in line with the Lenten season which we entered a few days ago. Figuratively, we can say that the


Pray for peace

Our Lady appeared in Medjugorje with the same message and call that we hear today, “Dear children, pray with me for peace.” And after more

Nativity scene in Medjugorje and children

Be a reflection of Jesus

Christmas is over, but it stays with us throughout the year. Christmas is an invitation. An invitation to conversion and to opening our hearts to

Nativity, Bible and Cross

Prayer, hope and faith

In the last month’s message, Our Lady told us that God sent her to be our joy and our way of hope. Her presence and


Joy and journey in hope

The Mother of God patiently and constantly speaks to us through her messages in which we see her optimism and hope in spite of the

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