Endure the days of trial
In the message of 17 January 1985, Our Lady speaks of the days of trial when only some parishioners attend Holy Mass. “Dear children! These days Satan is fighting treacherously against this parish, and you,…
Prayer with the heart means to watch over the world in love. One of the most important intentions for which Our Lady invites us to pray is precisely to pray for the gift of God’s…
This month’s message of Our Lady seems to be familiar to us and it is as if we have heard it many times before. Our Lady’s apparitions are a grace and a gift from the…
“Dear children! In this time of grace, in which the Most High sends me to you to love you and guide you on the way of conversion, offer your prayers and sacrifices for all those…
“Dear children! In this time of grace, in which the Most High sends me to you to love you and guide you on the way of conversion, offer your prayers and sacrifices for all those…
What happens when Our Lady prays for us? “Dear children, with much love and patience I strive to make your hearts like unto mine. I strive, by my example, to teach you humility, wisdom and…
In the message of May, Our Lady invited us to go into nature and pray so that God may speak to our hearts. Nature is an environment in which we can more easily hear and…
Our Lady, as the true Mother of the Church, walks with us not only in liturgical season but also in the season of nature in which we are enthroned and in which we live. Everything…
The invitation of Our Lady to go into nature, to pray and to listen to God is an invitation to follow Jesus. She teaches us to learn from nature through all that is created. Jesus…
Our Lady, as a true mother, does not stop calling Her children. She speaks to those who strive to hear Her voice and feel Her heart. Mother never gets tired. She never rests. She feels…
Our Lady’s message touches us in the very state of heart in which we find ourselves. It always brings hope and direction to what we need to focus on most. Today the Mother reminds us…