Be Love (Tereza Gazhiiova)
Queen of Peace teaches us with parables about nature like Jesus did. Spring is coming and that is a new life and hope. Nature listens
Queen of Peace teaches us with parables about nature like Jesus did. Spring is coming and that is a new life and hope. Nature listens
Put God in the center of your living (Tereza Gazhiyova) This Jubilee year on the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle Our
When we pray, we become instruments of peace. Our Lady calls us three times in a row: “Pray, pray, pray”. Repetition helps us to remember
Advent is Mary Who watches over our every step and embraces us with tenderness. We are called to be vigilant with Her. Nowadays let’s be
Imitate the saints and live the holiday (Teresa Gazhiyova) The holy martyrs, dying, testified: “I am a Christian and I love God above all
What makes today’s message different from the others is that for the first time there is a note at the end – With Ecclesiastical approval.
Mary’s prayer with us for peace has been going on for 43 years since the beginning of her apparitions in Medjugorje. “Peace, peace, peace and
Our Lady rejoices and thanks God for allowing her to love and lead us. She confesses her motherly love to us anew and draws each