January 25, 1988 “Dear children! Today again I am calling you to complete conversion, which is difficult for those who have not chosen God. God can give you everything that you seek from Him. But…
January 25, 1988 “Dear children! Today again I am calling you to complete conversion, which is difficult for those who have not chosen God. God can give you everything that you seek from Him. But…
January 1, 1987 “Dear children! Today I wish to call on all of you that in the New Year you live the messages which I am giving you. Dear children, you know that for your…
January 2, 1986 “Dear children! I call you to decide completely for God. I beseech you, dear children, to surrender yourselves completely and you shall be able to live everything I am telling you. It…
January 3, 1985 “Dear children! These days the Lord has bestowed upon you great graces. Let this week be one of thanksgiving for all the graces which God has granted you. Thank you for having…
March 1, 1984 “Dear children! I have chosen this parish in a special way and I wish to lead it. I am guarding it in love and I want everyone to be mine. Thank you…