The apparition was at 1:50 PM and lasted six minutes. Our Lady did not speak about the secrets, but gave the following message: “Dear children! As a mother I beseech you, do not go on…
The apparition was at 1:50 PM and lasted six minutes. Our Lady did not speak about the secrets, but gave the following message: “Dear children! As a mother I beseech you, do not go on…
This year also the visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had her apparition on March 18. After the apparition, Mirjana transmitted Our Lady’s message: “Dear children! On this message, which I give you today through my servant, I…
The apparition lasted ten minutes. After it, Mirjana, all in tears, withdrew to her room. Here is what she said about her meeting with Our Lady. “I prayed the Our Father and the Glory be…
“Dear children! I am calling you to go into nature and to pray for the Most High to speak to your heart and that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit so as…
“Dear children! I am calling all of you to be carriers of the peace and joy of the risen Jesus for all those who are far from prayer; that the love of Jesus, through your…
“Dear children!. May this time be a time of prayer for you.”
“Dear children! Keep converting and clothe yourselves in penitential garments and in personal, deep prayer; and in humility, seek peace from the Most High. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but…
“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because Satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future…
25. January 2022 “Dear children! Today I am calling you to return to personal prayer. Little children, do not forget that Satan is strong and that he wants to attract all the more souls to…
25. January 2021 “Dear children! I am calling you at this time to prayer, fasting and renunciation, that you may be stronger in faith.This is a time of awakening and of giving birth. As nature…
25. January 2020 “Dear children! Today I am calling you to pray even more, until you feel the holiness of forgiveness in your heart. There must be holiness in the families, little children, because there…
25. January 2019 “Dear children! Today, as a mother, I am calling you to conversion. This time is for you, little children, a time of silence and prayer. Therefore, in the warmth of your heart,…
25. January 2018 “Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer, so that the Holy Spirit, through prayer, may descend upon you and give you conversion. Open your hearts and read…
25. January 2017 “Dear children! Today I am calling you to pray for peace: peace in human hearts, peace in the families and peace in the world. Satan is strong and wants to turn all…
25. January 2016 “Dear children! Also today I am calling all of you to prayer. You cannot live without prayer, because prayer is a chain which brings you closer to God. Therefore, little children, in…