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33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 10, 23.02, Most Prudent

DAY 10, 23.02, Most Prudent

Most Prudent  Prudence is the mother of all virtues and the key virtue in the Christian moral tradition; it is the ability to make right judgments. Prudence helps us to determine our true good in…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 9, 22.02, Most Chaste

DAY 9, 22.02, Most Chaste

Most Chaste In 1998, in an apparition to Edson Glauber, a Brazilian university student, the Child Jesus spoke to Edson about the Most Chaste heart of St. Joseph. Jesus said, “Here in this Heart you…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 8, 21.02, Most Just

DAY 8, 21.02, Most Just

Most Just The Scriptures pay Joseph the highest compliment: he was a “just” man. By saying Joseph was “just,” the Scriptures reveal that he was completely open to all that God wanted to do for…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 7,  20.02, Head of the Holy Family

DAY 7, 20.02, Head of the Holy Family

Head of the Holy Family Each year his parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover . . .He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. (Luke 2:41,…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 6, 19.02, Zealous Defender of Christ

DAY 6, 19.02, Zealous Defender of Christ

Zealous Defender of Christ  St. Joseph is called the Zealous Defender of Christ because when Christ was threatened and persecuted he did not hesitate, not even for a moment, to defend and to protect Jesus…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 5, 18.02, Foster-Father of the Son of God

DAY 5, 18.02, Foster-Father of the Son of God

Foster-Father of the Son of God The naming of a child in ancient Jewish custom was the legal responsibility of the father. Jesus had no earthly father; therefore, it belonged to His Heavenly Father to…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 4, 17.02, Chaste Guardian of the Virgin

DAY 4, 17.02, Chaste Guardian of the Virgin

Chaste Guardian of the Virgin St. Joseph was the Spouse of God’s Mother, but by a wonderful anomaly also the Guardian of her Virginity. Just as in Mary are combined miraculously two seemingly incompatible things,…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
DAY 3, 16.02, Spouse of the Mother of God

DAY 3, 16.02, Spouse of the Mother of God

Spouse of the Mother of God On March , the Church celebrates the Solemnity of St. Joseph, but we do so by reference to his being ‘the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary’. In fact,…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
Day 2, 15.02, Light of the Patriarchs

Day 2, 15.02, Light of the Patriarchs

Light of the Patriarchs St. Joseph is called the Light of the Patriarchs because he is the shining light among the forerunners of Christ. He was one of the great patriarchs in a long line…

33 -Day Consecration to St. Joseph
Day 1, 14.02, Noble Offspring of David

Day 1, 14.02, Noble Offspring of David

33-Day Consecration to St. Joseph With the phrase “guardian of the mystery of God” used to describe St. Joseph’s role in salvation history, Pope St. John Paul II has left us with a sure point…

33 spiritual reflection days
33-Day Consecration to  St. Joseph

33-Day Consecration to St. Joseph

14.02-19.03 Preparation” for the Consecration to Saint Joseph Day 1, 14.02, Noble Offspring of David

33 spiritual reflection days
33 spiritual reflection days to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

33 spiritual reflection days to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

THE FIRST DAY. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, come through the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of the Most Pure Virgin Mary,…

A gift for Our Lady

A gift for Our Lady

A Novena to the Queen of Peace Međugorje 1981 – 2001 © Informativni Centar « Mir »-Medjugorje What to offer to Our Lady for the 20th Anniversary of Her apparitions What could we offer to…

International spiritual Retreat
In May, the 10th International Pilgrimage for children with the developmental disabilities and people with disabilities takes place

In May, the 10th International Pilgrimage for children with the developmental disabilities and people with disabilities takes place

The 10th International Pilgrimage for Children with Developmental Disabilities and Persons with Disabilities will be held in Medjugorje from May 17-19, 2024. The pilgrimage program begins on Friday, May 17, with an evening prayer program…


to be held in Medjugorje from November 8-11, 2023 The theme of the retreat is: “Here are my mother and my brothers!” (Mt 12: 49) In Our Lady’s School Programme: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 2…