Couple near the Virgin Mary
At the spiritual retreat, we were very impressed by the lectures of Fr. Yuri. He beautifully connected two sacraments – the Sacrament of Priesthood and the Sacrament of Marriage. The lectures were full of humility,…
At the spiritual retreat, we were very impressed by the lectures of Fr. Yuri. He beautifully connected two sacraments – the Sacrament of Priesthood and the Sacrament of Marriage. The lectures were full of humility,…
On one summer evening in Medjugorje, it was already dark, I felt the yearning to go and pray at the Blue Cross. So, I went. There, I began to pray the rosary. In the meantime,…
Dear friends of Medjugorje. My name is Father Dietmar Seiffert, I was born in Germany, but for 22 years I have been living in my second homeland – Russia. When I first started my mission…
My name is Nadiya, I am 18 years old, I am from Kyrgyzstan. I would like to share with you my impressions of the Youth Festival in Medjugorje. When I was told about the Youth…
The Virgin Mary wants us to return to praying the rosary in our families. She says that nothing unites a family like joint prayer, and that parents have a great responsibility for their children. Further,…
The first prayer that we, the visionaries, and thus everyone present began to pray with the Mother of God, was the prayer of the seven “Our Father”, “Hail Mary”, “Glory to the Father” and “Symbol…
Continuation… – When did you first visit Medjugorje? – When the filming of the film ended in Malta, I decided to go to Medjugorje. When I was 20 years old, my inner voice told me…
Jim Caviezel became a world-famous actor after his role in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Who is he, the actor who so impressively entered the role of Christ? Personally, he claims that if…
Priest Leonid, a Redemptorist from Ukraine, took part in the 15th international seminar for priests in Medjugorje and gave testimony, first to other participants and then to the radio station Mir Medjugorje. We publish this…
On April 11, 1991, in Zadar, at the conference of bishops, Medjugorje was recognized as a place of prayer. Cardinal Ratzinger, while in Austria, made public what was said at this conference by the bishops…
I realized that the rosary is the most powerful weapon against all evil in this world Hello. My name is Andrii, I am 24 years old. Since childhood, I was raised in the Christian spirit,…
Glory to Jesus and Mary! One day at the end of February this year turned out to be really sad for our family. My sister got married seven years ago, but she could not feel…
Sister Rastislav Ralbovski belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, which are located in the Croatian Province in Djakovo. It was she who initiated the pilgrimage to Medjugorje for…
My name is Antonia, and my husband is Mato. During the war, we both defended the Croatian people. In 1994, my husband fell ill with a very serious, terrible illness with a diagnosis of schizophrenia,…
The future priests, Gonzalo Moreno and Father Carlos Ballbé from Spain, were our guests on Radio MIR Medjugorje. As they told us, their spiritual vocations are the fruit of Medjugorje. Father Gonzalo first heard about…