Our Lady called us to conversion in Her message in January as well as She called us in Her message in February that is given to us before the time when we are preparing for the greatest holiday – the Resurrection of Jesus. She said to us in the message on February 25-th, 1996: “Today I invite you to conversion. This is the most important message that I have given you here”.
The first Jesus’s words in the gospel according to Mark are: “The time has come, the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
The call to conversion is God’s call to joy and liberty. It is only Jesus Christ Who can give us joy and freedom. He didn’t come in order to take something away from us but to enrich us with Him. St. Mother Teresa said: “Why are we sad? Because we are filled with ourselves. Therefore God can not fill us up with His joy. How can we be purified? Leave it to God, He knows how to do it”.
When we are filled with God we may be and bring joy to others because God is joy. Only the converted heart is free and is ready for selfless love, joy and God’s peace.
Many times Our Lady calls us to listen to and live in harmony with nature and time which we live in. Spring is a time of awakening and a new life. Nature is God’s creation through which God desires to speak to us. Jesus often uses images and stories in His homilies gotten out of nature and daily life. Man and nature are connected uniquely and inseparably. God’s word in nature is considerable. Everything happened because of God’s saying: “Let it be so!”.
Nature is God’s workshop, we can get to know God in the easiest way right there. His works are in nature, everything tells about Him. We receive inspiration, knowledge, discovery, comfort and courage for continuing our journey.
During the walk man calms down and his emotions become moderate, his imagination fills with the new images and colours, his eyes may see the beauty of nature, his ears listen to the new mysterious voices around him and all his being feels like it is in its true environment.
Nature is created for man for him in his turn to keep, form and love nature. Human beings are unable to survive out of nature.
We live in a time when many people spend more time in the virtual world than in nature thereby they move away from themselves, other people and eventually from God.
Listen with the heart and accept Virgin Mary’s words with seriousness so that we can listen to our own hearts which seek and need God Who is waiting for us.
Virgin Mary, God’s humble handmaid, You were attentive to God’s call and inducements. You recognized God’s call in Annunciation and responded to it with all Your Heart and life. You had been renewing Your perpetual “yes” at all moments when You didn’t find an answer immediately but You carried in Your Heart all the events and pondered on them. Ask for us the grace to be attentive to God’s inducements and inspiration of the Holy Spirit Who is still encouraging us and is calling to conversion and to a new life that is a joy which God gives us. Don’t cease, oh Mother Mary, interceding for us before Your Son for us to be Your extended hands in this world that is lost without God. Let our hands be connected with Your Motherly hands which You are holding up to the sky in prayer for us like Moses. Amen.