Our Lady’s messages and teachings (Fr Slavko Barbarić, OFM)

Our Lady is the Mother of the Divine Word. She first believed. She conceived Jesus by her faith. He became flesh in her and became man in her most pure heart, which was – by the grace of God – not only preserved from sin, but filled with the grace of God. As Mother of Jesus, she became the first altar and the first tabernacle, the first dwelling place of the divine presence among men.

This is why her only task and desire is to educate us to say yes and to become a living sacrifice to the glory of God. She teaches us in a motherly way how to celebrate Holy Mass and what to do. She neither develops a theology of the Eucharist, nor uses biblical images, nor speaks about liturgical rubrics. She wants us to live and experience the Eucharist.

So let us see what she is telling us in her messages. Let her simple and motherly words awaken in us a great longing for Christ, a longing with which her heart was burning and yearning for His permanent presence.



On 15 March 1984, Our Lady said in a message:

“This evening also, dear children, I am grateful to you in a special way for being here. Perpetually adore the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I am always present when the faithful adore. Special graces are being received then.” (15 March 1984)

To adore means to be with Jesus, to take time for friendship with God who remained with His people. It means to enter ever deeper into the mystery of His presence, to love Him and to be loved by Him. In our times, which have become godless in different ways, we have to find time and adore our God, because that is the most sublime attitude before His majesty and His love.

Max Turckhauf, a modern specialist in nuclear physics, admitted publicly the great evil that he committed as he participated in the construction of the atomic bomb. After his conversion, he declared that each research laboratory, in which scientists touch at the secrets of life, should also have a chapel with the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that scientists first humbly adore the Creator of all laws, and only then, in the simplicity of their heart, go to work and touch on the deepest laws of life and nature. They should never do it selfishly or out of pride, but with love and humility.

The rhythm of life, that is nowadays forced upon many people, throws people out of their centre and make them lose balance, direction and the meaning of their life, so that people become alienated to themselves and estranged from others, because their relationship with others is lost. People become empty, violent and destructive, and destruction is the opposite of the peace to which Our Lady is calling us and for which she is educating us.

Adoration increases faith, love and hope, and our capacity of relating to others. It strengthens our peace and offers us the experience to which Jesus called us when He invited all those who are tired and heavily burdened to come to Him in order to find rest, to be restored interiorly and filled with a new spirit. (Cf. Jn 7:37)

Adoration makes us enter within ourselves and find our centre in God. This is how we become able to live a life that is worthy of a Christian, of a child of God. A person who lives from God and by God is interiorised.

When we adore – and this is what Our Lady’s message tells us – we are also united to Mary, the Mother of the Eucharist. She says, “I am always present when the faithful adore.” She first recognised God in Jesus with her pure motherly heart and adored Him in Bethlehem. With her heart and soul she entered deeply into the mystery of His presence in the world, but also of her own mission beside Him.

In August 1988, at the end of the Marian Year, our Holy Father John Paul II declared Mary the Morning Star, Mother and Teacher of all Christians, because she is not only the Mother and the teacher of Jesus, but of all of us. She was preparing us for the 2000th anniversary of Jesus. (Cf. the Encyclical Mother of the Redeemer, 1987, Introduction)

Our Lady often repeats in her messages that she is with us, and in a special way during Adoration. In the spirituality that she teaches us, Adoration needs to find its place, because Adoration is an encounter with the eucharistic Christ.

Christians will survive these godless times and be ready for new times if they live in the mysterious depths of the love of God.

“Dear children, I want you to come with me and adore Jesus permanently. My children, adore Him! Adore Him in the sufferings that He endured for you and for the whole world, in His Body and His Blood that He shed for you. Do not allow these days to pass by, but live all that Jesus lived together with me. I bless you!” (Message given to Jelena Vasilj, 21 March 1989)

(Barbarić, Slavko. 2018. Celebrate Mass with the heart.)

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