Mary, you are the Mother of the High Priest Jesus Christ. By the words that you pronounced at the Annunciation, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord”, Jesus, the Word of God, became flesh and began His eucharistic dwelling among us. You made it possible, O Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, because you said, “Be it done to me according to Your word”.
I consecrate myself to you, O Mother, and I surrender completely to you as a child to a mother, as Jesus surrendered completely to you, and you became His Mother and Teacher. Behold, from this moment onwards, I belong to you with my whole being – heart, soul and body – with my past, my present and my future. I abandon everything to you, all that is good in me and all that is not yet good, not yet perfect. I do it in a special way before this Holy Mass.
Give me now your faith, so that I can say, “Lord, come into my life”. Give me your love, so that I can love Him and stay with Him with the same burning love. Give me your purity, so that the purity of my soul, adorned with the graces that I receive through you, may prepare a pleasant dwelling place for Him, as you prepared it for Him in your heart. Let my love be such, that I may unceasingly adore Him in the tabernacle of my heart.
O Mary, with your help, may each moment of this Holy Mass and each moment after it be consecrated by His presence.
Thank you, O Mary, for being the Mother of the Eucharist. I consecrate to you my parish community (prayer group, religious community…). Help us all to become more and more His mystical Body, united by the Spirit of Love and nourished by the same divine Food, the divine Manna.
O Mary, so many times you stood in silence before Jesus, admired Him, reflected on the words that you heard, pondered on them in your heart, lived in hope and in love. Behold, as I consecrate myself to you, I have the desire to immerge myself into the presence of Jesus and encounter Him in the silence of the depths of my heart and of my entire being. May my heart from now onwards long for Jesus, the Heavenly Bread hidden in the white Host. May my soul long for Him as a deer longs for springs of fresh water, as a dry and parched desert longs for rain, as a traveller longs for a resting place in shade, as a mother longs for her child and a friend for a friend.
Behold, O Mary, I consecrate myself to you. You know what is best for the temple of my soul in order to be worthily present at this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I know that you stood at the foot of the Cross. Your heart knows what a bloody sacrifice is, and what an unbloody sacrifice is, which is celebrated now in Holy Mass. Let my heart enter into the mystery. Let it calm down and become a pleasant dwelling place for your Son. Let it be so. O Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray for us! Amen!
Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Saviour who was filled with the Holy Spirit and obedient to You, I pray with a sincere heart: fill me with strength, light, love and intelligence. Give me the grace to understand and accept Your words. Let Your healing Spirit heal my faith, so that I may participate with faith in this Sacrifice of the Mass. Fill my heart with the love of Your Spirit, so that my love may be an response to Your eucharistic love, in the Holy Spirit who gives life, peace and salvation.
May Your Spirit renew me now, as You promised that He would renew the face of the earth.
May Your Spirit introduce me now into Your divine order, as He brought order into Your creation.
May Your Spirit illumine me now, the same Spirit who spoke through the prophets and finally in Your Son Jesus Christ.
May I be filled with Your Spirit, whom You sent into the heart of Mary, our Mother, and through whom she conceived Your Son and our Lord.
May Your Spirit, who warms chilled hearts, warm my heart too, and make it a worthy dwelling place for Your Son.
May Your Spirit completely fill the priest who will celebrate the mysteries of faith now. May Your Spirit illumine him and enable him to understand, accept and announce Your word. May he be filled with the Spirit of love and announce Your love and Your mercy. May he be filled with the Spirit of surrender and obedience to You. Purify him from all sin and temptation and erase all traces of infidelity, doubt, mistrust, sadness, hesitation and loneliness. Let him joyfully celebrate this living Sacrifice for the praise of Your glory, with the people who were entrusted to him.
May the Spirit renew all priests, bishops and the Pope.
May He renew all believers and the face of the earth, so that all together, united and saved by this eucharistic sacrifice, we may glorify Your Name.
O Father, we ask You this in the name of Jesus Christ, with Mary, your obedient servant, the spouse of Your Holy Spirit. Do not look upon our sins, but on the faith and the love of Mary, our Mother, and of the whole Church, and hear us. Let this Sacrifice be for the salvation of those who are present and of all people. Amen.
(Barbaric, Slavko. 2018. Celebrate Mass with the heart.)