According to the testimony of the visionaries, Our Lady always appears joyful and happy. Sometimes we hear the question: I do not understand how She can come being so joyful when the world is filled with the horror of war, fear, restlessness, hatred? Peace is disturbed and Satan wants war; his power of death has invaded the earth, says Our Lady to us in the messages of the previous months.
The answer is clear. She appears joyful and happy because the Most High allows her to come among us and to lead us out of the misery in which the world finds itself. Mary is a mother and sympathizes with every child who suffers. She rejoices when She can visit us, comfort us, bring us relief.
Such are Our Lady’s visits to Medjugorje. But also, our prayers to her. She is the Cause of our joy, the Comforter of the sorrowful, the Mother of hope. She is the light in the thick darkness. She faithfully stands by our suffering to the end, as She did then at the foot of the cross of Jesus, where She was given to us as a mother.
We need Mom more than ever to help us survive.
“Who would understand you better if not your mother”, She tells us in one of her messages. She never walks away from her children, She sympathizes with us.
It is hard to hear Her words today – “humanity has chosen death”. But right after that She shows us the way out of death into life. The dying are comforted by a visit that brings comfort, hope. Only Jesus could do that, and Mary was there. That is why He sends her to us to teach us this. She invites us, “Little children, be instruments of love for all those who have not come to know the God of love. Witness joyfully your faith and do not lose hope in a change of the human heart.”
This is an invitation to resemble the mother. To kindle the light of hope with prayer and love, with good deeds. If we live her main messages, with her help we can do it.
In the message of November 2, 2015, She tells us, „…those of my children who understand the love of my Son and follow it, live in love and hope. They have come to know the love of God. Therefore, my children, pray, pray so as to be able to love all the more and to do works of love. Because, faith alone without love and works of love is not what I am asking of you: my children, this is an illusion of faith. It is a boasting of self. My Son seeks faith and works, love and goodness. I am praying, and I am also asking you to pray, and to live love; because I desire that my Son, when He looks at the hearts of all of my children, can see love and goodness in them and not hatred and indifference. My children, apostles of my love, do not lose hope, do not lose strength. You can do this.”
Our Lady promises to be with us, to bless us. Her heart carefully watches our every step. It has never been heard that anyone has been disappointed who has fled to her. This is witnessed by the many who have asked her help in mortal perils. “Every day, every second, I had to think of Our Lady,” says Immaculée Ilibagiza from the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda, testifying of the power of the prayer of the Rosary that saved her and seven other women during the terrible genocide of 1994. Immaculée attributes her rescue primarily to prayer and the rosary given to her by her father, a devout Catholic, before She went into hiding. The situation was so terrible that their mouths often dried up and they ran out of saliva – but not only from thirst, fatigue and exhaustion, but also because of prayer. They prayed constantly. Unceasingly. It was the only way they could survive – and eventually they did. It was only through constant prayer that She was able to forgive those who had murdered her entire family and village. With gratitude, She remembers Our Lady’s help. Every bead of the Hail Mary was like a breath of life in the hell that surrounded us.
St. Bernard, who greatly loved Our Lady, left us precious prayers to her, „ In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may more surely obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as She is in your mind, you are safe from deception“.
Let us pray: Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother. To you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your clemency, hear and answer me. Amen