The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that God created us out of love to know him, to serve him, to love him, and so to come to paradise.
Our Lady appears to help us live this journey of love. As she says in many of Her messages, “I am leading you to my Son, I want you all to be with me in paradise.” Today She calls us to pray for an open heart so that we may be able to receive the call of the light that changes hearts. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the light of life (Jn 8:12). ” You are light for the world. In the same way your light must shine in people’s sight, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to your Father in heaven. ” (Mt 5:14.16).
That light is the Gospel, and our life according to it is a reflection of heaven’s radiance and joy. That is why Our Lady invites us to begin and end each day with the words of the Gospel. In Her messages She repeats: “Let the Gospel be a light in the darkness that overtakes the earth. Read the Holy Scriptures in your families, so that Jesus may be born in your hearts and families. Put the Holy Scriptures in a visible place in your families, read it and live it. Teach your children, because if you do not set an example for your children, they will fall into ungodliness. Meditate, pray, and then God will be born in your heart and your heart will be filled with joy.”
Holy Scripture is a mysterious light that changes hearts. Our Lady knows this transformation; in Her the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. This is what She teaches us too. The three kings followed the light and found the Messiah, they returned home by another way, consciously avoiding Herod. Those who open their hearts to Jesus are changed.
She calls us also this Christmas, “Dear children! Today, when the light of Jesus’ birth is illuminating the entire world, in a special way, with Jesus in my arms, I am praying that every heart becomes a stable of Bethlehem, in which my Son will be born, so that your lives become a light of His birth. Little children, you live in peacelessness and fear. That is why, little children, today, on this day of grace, implore Jesus to strengthen your faith and to become the ruler of your lives; because, my children, only with Jesus in your lives will you not be looking at peacelessness but praying for peace and will live in peace; and you will not be looking at fear but at Jesus Who frees us of all fears. I am your Mother who ceaselessly keeps vigil over you and I am blessing you with my Motherly blessing. ”
The stable of Bethlehem are the places of our hearts that are uncomfortable, dark, wounded. These can also be our worries, questions, doubts and fears. If we surrender all of this to Jesus, he will joyfully be born anew in all of it, each and every time. Jesus is the Prince and King of Peace. Peace is reconciliation with Him, with every person and with ourselves. Many hearts are closed to peace, but they can be opened by our prayer together with Our Lady. This is Our Lady’s promise. Let us believe it!
The mystery of Christmas teaches us that we can be joyful, filled with faith and peace, full of light, warmth, blessings. Christmas is a daily rebirth in prayer, in the contemplation of the Gospel, in frequent receiving of Holy Communion, in fasting and renunciation of selfishness. Christmas is a daily giving of ourselves and works of mercy.
If we strive to love God and neighbor, we become open to the needs of our neighbors. We become a reflection of heaven’s brightness and joy.
Let us pray:
Our Lady, with you we pray for our hearts to open to peace. You teach us that peace is a clear conscience. Peace is forgiveness. Peace is your Son, His words are words of peace. We pray with you for our neighbors whose hearts are closed to the light, who cry out for love, for reconciliation, for forgiveness. We pray for all those who carry war and hatred in their hearts because they have not yet come to know the love of God. Help us to become as You want us to be – a reflection of heaven’s brightness and joy. We believe in the power of prayer and fasting with you Mary. With you, we pray for peace in our hearts, families and in the world. Amen.