I praise You, oh my God! (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM)
After repentance and regret for sins, the Church reveals to us the joy of meeting, which always follows reconciliation, and this meeting is the beginning and condition of joy and peace. Just as sin separates us from one another, so that the forgiveness unites us and ushers us in the Lamb’s banquet. Therefore a joyful and excited song is heard: “Glory to God in the highest!”
This song accompanied Christ into this world. In those days the angels sang it, and now the Church is constantly singing it glorifying in such a way the coming of Christ, the Lord and the King. Listening to this song the heart of a believer should really tremble with deep joy, because our God is not silent, but comes and stays with us. This is a song of a new unity between God and people. This is a flash of that joy that only God can prepare and give to his people.
Such glory and praise of God, Who gathered his people together, ends with a prayer in which the people, the Church of God, express honor and thanks and requests for what is most needed. Just as the hymn “Glory” gives honor and glory to God in the highest and invites people to goodwill, giving praise to Christ, the Lamb of God, so that the believer returns in soul and body to the state which was before the original sin. He is ready to hear and listen to God again. At that point the next step of the Eucharistic liturgy begins.
“Dear children! Praise the Lord from the bottom of your heart! Bless His name forever. Children, constantly thank God, the Almighty Father, Who wants to save you and wants you to be with Him again in the Kingdom of Heaven after this earthly life. Children, your Father wants you to be with Him as the most beloved children. No matter how many times we sin, He forgives. But let no sin turn you away from the love of our Heavenly Father!” (Message through Yelena Vasyl, October 6, 1987)
God speaks to man. It is an unspeakable grace and gift. God is not silent even when man has become silent, separated from Him because of sin and has become deaf and blind to Our Lord’s word. God declares His will. He reveals His plans. The Lord teaches us as the father. This is how the words from the Old and New Testament sound, and the Gospel becomes especially important.
When reading messages or other readings, we sit down. This is not only a possible physical state but rather an evidence of readiness to listen to God’s voice and instructions. Sitting at the teacher’s feet is a sign of willingness to listen. Thus, when people sit down to listen to what God says, something indescribably beautiful and good happens: the divine word that is listened to is at the same time a creative word. It is an effective and active word. It’s like a grain sown in the prepared soil of the heart and which promises an abundant harvest.
While the Gospel, the book of Good News, is being read the people of God listen standing. This is not just one of the possible body postures, as in the previous case, but this is also a manifestation of a deep respect for the speaker. When something is solemnly read or announced or even ordered to somebody then those who are concerned stand up and receive the orders standing with obedience. Our attitude towards instructions in such a way reminds us of the historical redemption that took place with the coming of Christ. A person did not dare to stand before God but hid because of sin. On the contrary a person healed by Christ stands and listens. It encourages one to be ready to do what we hear.
A simple cross on the forehead, lips and chest before the reading of the Gospel is also very significant. Putting this sign on the forehead as a sign of a disciple to listen to the Holy Scriptures, we actually promise to think about God’s word that is announced to us. The mark on the lips symbolizes our promise of seeking the opportunities of speaking with God’s words and about God’s words. And finally, the sign of the cross on the chest is our promise to keep God’s word in our heart like Mary did according to the Gospel of Luke: “She kept God’s word like a treasure and pondered on it in her heart”.
“Be open to God’s voice. In a special way, I invite you to listen to the voice of God in the silence of your prayer, because in this silence He wants to talk to everyone. Dear children, trust Him and do not be afraid to walk with Him through the valley of death. I bless you” (Message through Yelena Vasyl, July 31, 1990).
O God, who spoke to us through Your Son, be blessed that You have words for us, Your children. We would be without light, without truth, without way and life, if You had not sent us Your word in Your love. Let it settle in our thoughts. Let it be seen in our actions and glorified in our words. Teach us to rejoice in Your word, as we rejoice in a friendly, motherly word. Let us receive Your word as we receive the word of comfort, the word of encouragement and hope, the word of love and trust. Let Your word give birth to a new word in us.
Let Your love give birth to love in us. May Your mercy stimulate the growth of mercy in our hearts. Blessed be You who have the word of salvation for us. Your word is truth, enlighten us with truth. May Your word live among us and remain with us! Amen.