Imitate the saints and live the holiday (Teresa Gazhiyova)
The holy martyrs, dying, testified: “I am a Christian and I love God above all else!” (11/25/1997). “My children and you can be saints, it depends on you. Saints are those who love the Heavenly Father immeasurably, those who love Him above all else. Therefore, my children, always try to be better. When you try to be good, you can be holy, even if you don’t think so of yourself” (December 2, 2017). “Let all hatred and jealousy disappear from your life, from your thoughts, and let only love for God and your neighbors settle in. Yes, this is the only way you will be able to recognize the signs of this time. I am with you and I am leading you to a new time, a time that God is giving you as a grace, so that you will know Him even more” (January 25, 1993).One of the great signs of our time is precisely the reverence for the saints. During the pontificate of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, many saints were canonized and canonized. . We see a growing reverence for the saints. We live in the time of saints. All over the world there are places marked by the lives of saints, and we love to visit them. The Church today talks a lot about saints. We can say that they are closer to us than ever before.For example, the intact body of the young man Carlo Akutis arouses interest among young people. His story is inspiring and patronage helps. “Do not weep, I will be more useful to you where I am going than here (on earth),” said Saint Dominic to his brothers before his death. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux promised us: “I will live my heaven doing good on earth.” The Second Vatican Council teaches us: “The brotherly care of the saints greatly helps us in our weakness.”
Reading and reflecting on the stories of the saints, we understand that there is a safe way to heaven. Mary teaches us to choose the path of holiness.
“I am with you and today I am glad that the Almighty gave me the opportunity to be with you, to teach you, to lead you on the path of perfection. Little children, I want you to be a beautiful bouquet that I want to present to God on All Saints’ Day. I invite you to open up and live, taking the example of the saints. Mother Church chose them to be an encouragement to you in your daily life” (25.10.1994).
The saints were in love with Jesus and tried to point to Him with their lives. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus for us, and Saint Joseph were the first to be physically present with Him. She knows every saint personally. They are together in heaven.
Let’s listen to the Mother. This month, let’s resolve to read more the lives of the saints, their thoughts, works that they left us. We share with the saints our problems, our weaknesses. They passed the same paths, experienced the same difficulties and trials, joys and sorrows, as we do. They are ready to help us.
Prayer: Queen of all saints, our Mother, when God touched You, You accepted Him into Your life and hurried to carry Him to others. Intercede for us, Holy Mother, so that through the intercession of all the saints we may find peace in our hearts and ask for it for the whole world. Through the intercession of all the saints, give us firm determination and perseverance to follow their example and live a holy life. Amen.