Just say the word! (Father Slavko Barbarych, OFM)

Just say the word! (Father Slavko Barbarіс, OFM)


Christ comes not only to praise Him, but also to enter our lives completely. This is the moment of communion. Together with the whole Church, we recognize that He is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Who calls to a feast and comes to heal. Together with the Church, we recognize the omnipotence of the Lamb, the omnipotence of His word, which heals soul and body.

In communion, Christ enters the heart of the believer, and the more the heart is prepared and opened, the more the meeting with the divine Guest takes place, which we do not see with our physical eyes, but which is recognized by faith. The period after communion is the period of the most intimate meeting of the soul with its God through Jesus Christ. This time is spent in the singing of eucharistic and thanksgiving hymns, as well as in deep silence, when the soul, completely devoted to its Savior, enters deep peace, recovers in the meeting with the Healer, and what was said before the communion takes place: Just say the word – and my soul will be healed.  Healing is an essential aspect of communion. It is primarily about the inner healing of faith, love and hope. We acquire the goods necessary for life and activity, but also, perhaps, suffering, if that is God’s will for us. It must be admitted that something has happened with the Mass and prayer for healing that should not have happened: the prayer for healing is mostly ignored or minimized. Believers take communion and leave. They don’t have time! And at this moment after communion, of course, it should be. We need to stay with Jesus so that He can work in us in His saving way.


Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, come to my heart! Here everything is prepared for Your appearance. I am happy for you. I congratulate you. I want to live this moment only for You – as You lived and died for Me. I surrender everything to You and remain in You with quiet joy. Amen. Go in peace The Holy Mass ends with the prayer of the Church and a blessing. The priest’s final greeting is “Go in peace!” We are given not just an ordinary sign that we can leave the church and go into life, but in this greeting once again everything that has happened and what should happen is summed up. The Eucharistic celebration is a celebration of peace between God and man, as well as between people. If this aspect is not present, if peace does not come seriously, the true meaning and true understanding of the Eucharist is called into question. If someone is not ready to forgive or ask God for forgiveness, then he excludes himself from the Eucharistic sacrifice. Participating in it would be cunning on his part.People come to this feast in wedding clothes, which God himself prepares and presents at the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration. Therefore, there is no excuse for those who find themselves without wedding clothes. And, leaving the church and the Holy Mass, everyone should become a new herald of peace. Walking in peace is a biblical message and a message of liturgical blessing. And at the same time, this is the most wonderful mission that a person can receive. God does not ask us for anything that He is not ready to give. That is why, having given us peace and salvation, He wants us to carry it on. “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned. And here are the miracles that will accompany those who believe: In My Name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new languages; they will take vipers with their hands, and even if they drink something deadly, it will not harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will be well” (Mr. 16: 15-18). 










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