“Dear children, At this time, when you are celebrating the day of All Saints, seek their intercession and prayers so that in union with them, you may find peace. May the Saints be your intercessors and example, that you imitate them and live holily. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.“ (With Ecclesiastical approval)
The Blessed Virgin Mary has repeatedly called us to imitate the lives of the saints. This is what She told us in a message dated 07/25/1987: “Dear children! I ask you to take the path of holiness from today. I love you and therefore I want you to be saints…”. In the message of April 25, 1988, She says: “Dear children! God wants to make you holy, therefore, through me, he calls you to complete surrender. In the message of October 25, 2004, the Mother of God says: “Let the saints be your intercessors and examples, so that you may imitate them and live a holy life.”The Virgin Mary sets before us the ideal of holiness. No matter how simple Her messages may seem at first glance, they are very demanding, requiring our complete involvement and surrender to God. Holiness is our path and the ideal to which the Heavenly Mother calls us. To be holy means to be normal, to be healthy, free and happy. In fact, it means the realization of all those desires that God has placed in our heart. The lives of saints are the most beautiful novels. If anyone has read the biographies of any saints, they know the reason: they contain all the elements that make reading enjoyable. In them there is a discovery of oneself, a passion for a goal, difficulties in achieving this goal, there is love and suffering … and more than in any other novel, in the lives of these seekers of God there is the mystery of God himself, who has revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ . We know that St. Ignatius of Loyola was converted by reading the biographies of the saints. We know the testimony of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, who sought the truth that led her to the truth about God. In the rich library of one of her friends, she got the autobiography of Saint Teresa of Avila. After reading it in one sitting, she said to herself, “It’s true.”Even after death, the saints act, encourage and speak to souls because they themselves are founded on the eternal and living God. We know that saints are perceived as extraordinary, unusual and somewhat strange people. When we say that someone is a saint, we mean that he is so just, honest, virtuous and pious that it arouses respect and admiration, but at the same time, subconscious revulsion.Saints are placed on the altar. Statues are created in their honor, religious services are held, believers turn to them with prayers, honor their images, and ask for their protection. Some saints are intercessors for successful work, others for travel, others for the sick, some intercede for children, others for household property, some for the harvest of the fields, others for marriage, for the family, some for a good birth, for harmony between people, for the mentally ill and the like.
All this leads to the belief that saints are divine, unusual people. It is as if they do not belong to our spheres, as if they did not live on earth or have nothing to do with our everyday life. So, unfortunately, the saints became the opposite of what their canonization implied.
However, the Church wanted to give people an example of how we can all become saints, and not just pray to the saints for earthly, petty needs. There has been a schism, and so there is little chance that the saints will be the example that some people will try to follow. They seem inscrutable, separated from us by the splendor of our celebrations in their honor, so that it never occurs to anyone that he/she should be like them. If we look at the lives of the saints, we will see that there is nothing in them that would create such a mentality.Talking about the saints often confuses us because we think they had it easy. We imagine them as different. By emphasizing their holiness rather than God’s work in them, we can really feel incapable of great things. But if we start from the fact that they were people with the same mistakes, bad habits, character weaknesses as ourselves, then they immediately become closer to us. Yes, these were people who discovered a new model of man in Christ and followed him. They left the initiative to God, and He changed them.
Prayer Virgin Mary, Queen of Saints, You felt God’s holiness and omnipotence. God has done great things in your life, as you yourself confirm: “The Almighty has done great things for me.” You allowed God to write His works in Your heart and life. Ask for us also the grace of complete surrender into the hands of the Heavenly Father, so that day by day we become like our Creator. We entrust to You, Virgin Mary, all those who have distanced themselves from God, the source of life, and are on the dead end, where they cannot find the peace or joy that only God can and wants to give. Amen.