From July 17-21, Indianapolis, Indiana swelled with the presence of over 100,000 Catholics, coming from all over the United States and other parts of the world, gathered together at the National Eucharistic Congress, organized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The goal and purpose of the event … to honor and worship Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar; to celebrate the beauty and power of our Catholic faith; and to bring a new fervor into the hearts of the faithful!
The last time this has happened in the United States was 1941, so this is an incredible event, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and great excitement among all present.
Many Catholic organizations and ministries are present at the Eucharistic Congress, offering the attendees an opportunity to learn about the ways in which they are serving the Church. Among them is the Mir Medjugorje English Information Center, which had a table at the exhibit hall. Our mission was simple: to promote Medjugorje and to educate people about the exciting work the Mir Medjugorje English Information Center is doing in bringing the message of Medjugorje more fully to the USA and the rest of the English speaking world. May the Holy Spirit and Our Lady continue to guide the Center so that we can fulfill the mission entrusted to our care.