The spiritual phenomenon of Medjugorje has been going on for about four decades, and the Church has been closely monitoring it since the very beginning of the phenomena. In May 2019, Pope Francis officially approved pilgrimages to Medjugorje, and a little earlier a special Apostolic Visitor was appointed for the parish of Medjugorje.
The significance and reason of these decisions for “Light of the Word” was commented by the Apostolic Visitor in the parish of Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli. He was interviewed by Willie Redman (OFM).
“Seeing how many pilgrims go to this holy place, in May 2019, Pope Francis advised bishops and priests to officially accompany the pilgrimages in order to facilitate the process of prayer and conversion. Previously, the Holy Father considered it appropriate to appoint an Apostolic Visitor for the parish of Medjugorje with a special role, with the mission of recognizing and implementing the appropriate pastoral initiatives”, said Archbishop Cavalli and noted in an interview, describing this place today, that “the intensity of spiritual life in Medjugorje “It is not weakening: on the contrary, it is getting stronger and gaining a global scale in terms of the number and composition of pilgrims.”
“Returning to faith with trust, true conversion of the heart, sincere prayer, fasting and an unceasing call for peace – this is the reality of Medjugorje. Many conversions, a return to the practice of the Sacraments (Eucharist and Confession), numerous spiritual vocations – to the priesthood, monasticism, as well as marriage – these are the evangelical fruits of Medjugorje,” said Mons. Cavalli. At the same time as the call to confession, one of the most common spiritual messages heard today in Medjugorje, there is also a call to prayer and conversion.
“The center of Medjugorje spirituality is the meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary accompanies the believers, leads them to this meeting. This is how the prayer, which the Christian community of Medjugorje lives every evening, takes place. Everything begins with the prayer of the Rosary, when Mary leads us to meet Jesus; this is how the Eucharist takes place, the meeting with Jesus, the main milestone of the Christian faith; then this meeting continues in Adoration.
The faithful joyfully participate in prayer and also joyfully climb the Mount of Apparitions, in communion with the Virgin Mary, and Mount Križevac, meditating on Jesus’ life and contemplating it. After hours filled with prayer and reflection, a natural desire to renew one’s life in the Sacrament of Confession is born.
Eventually, believers return to their homes, to real everyday life, filled with grace and hope. In their parishes, they cooperate with the abbot in various services, ask for the opportunity to read the Rosary before the Divine Service, and sometimes for the opportunity for Adoration after the Eucharist. This is how the prayer groups called Medjugorje are born,” commented Archbishop Cavalli and finally added: “This is how Medjugorje lives in the modern world: return to faith, true conversion, fasting and a constant call for peace. This is how a Christian lives in the world.”
Source: https://radio-medjugorje.com