“Dear children! Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness. Thank you for having responded to my call”.
“Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness”.
Why should we pray?
Prayer has many dimensions. Our Lady reveals something important to us: the prayer serves peace for peace to reign and prevail. Therefore prayer is important for peace and it influences peace. Peace depends on prayer.
When Our Lady uses such words as “to reign” and “to prevail over” She means that evil also wants to reign and conquer. Here are some examples:
“You wonder why all these prayers? Look around you, dear children, and you will see how greatly sin has dominated the world” (September, 13 1984).
“Peacelessness has begun to reign in hearts and hatred reigns in the world” (November, 25 2001).
“…satan is reigning and wants to destroy your lives and the earth on which you walk” (March, 25 2020).
First of all Our Lady desires “…prayer to prevail in your hearts in every moment” (May, 2 1985). If the prayer prevails over some other things which are offered to us (watching TV, etc.) then the heart is considered to be accessible and open to prayer and the person is ready to dedicate time to God and put Him in the first place.
Besides, Our Lady desires for peace and love to reign in our hearts and conquer evil and peacelessness. That which is stronger will dominate and win and then prevail over us and over our thoughts and words. That which is stronger within us shapes our sight and hearing, our thoughts and attitudes.
A person who can’t forgive is a real blind man who doesn’t comprehend that reality is not like it seems to him. He doesn’t see that he allowed himself to be captured and entangled in the networks of evil which dwell within him. He is a slave to hatred which reigns in him. He is a partner of evil that acts secretly. Therefore the Queen of Peace warns: “Be strong in prayer and with the cross in your hands pray that evil may not use you and may not conquer you” (March, 25 2015).
When peace and love reign in our hearts then they will triumph “over all evil and peacelessness” around us. Therefore Our Lady wants us to pray so that peace and love may grow stronger within us and conquer all evil. Prayer therefore serves for strengthening peace and love within us.
Now let’s move from theory to practice and begin to pray.
You will not regret it
In three messages Our Lady says that we won’t regret if we pray for Her intentions. First, it concerns us who pray…
“Pray, and you shall not regret it. God will give you gifts by which you will glorify Him till the end of your life on this earth” (02.06.1984)
Then it concerns us and our children:
“With great joy in my heart I thank you for all the prayers that, in these days, you offered for my intentions. Know, little children, that you will not regret it, neither you nor your children. God will reward you with great graces and you will earn eternal life” (25.06.2006).
And, finally, it concerns three generations – us who pray, our children and our grandchildren – January, 1 2024:
“Thank you for having responded to my call and praying for my intentions. You will not regret it, neither you, nor your children, and your children’s children”.
Why does the Virgin Mary want us to pray for Her intentions specifically for the New Year?
Perhaps it is so because of the very first day of the new year when we make new decisions for the coming year, make plans and have special intentions. Perhaps because of this Our Mother wants Her intentions for the coming year to become ours as well.
Why won’t we regret praying for Virgin Mary’s intentions?
First, why should we regret it? We will regret not praying for Our Lady’s intentions. When? When we gain the aim, when we see the results and comprehend why Virgin Mary asked us for this.
Some of us think that we pray in vain and the prayer has no effect as we don’t see the fulfillment of the prayer. We see only here and now therefore the prayer seems to be in vain. We will realize the result of prayer maybe during earthly life but most likely in eternity.
We learn from this that we must believe. The prayer requires faith. We believe in Our Mother and in what She tells us about! We believe that it will be as Our Lady wishes! We won’t regret it! Here the Virgin Mary says from Her own experience. When they met in great joy Elizabeth exclaimed: “Blessed is She Who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to Her” (Lk. 1:45).
Why is it more important to believe than to see the results?
Our trust in God grows in faith. In faith we surrender to God and rely on Him and our relationships become closer. This is the most important thing of all. Therefore Jesus said to Toma the disciple: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (Jn. 20:29)
Saint Teresa from the Child Jesus affirms: “Man is dear to God not because of his virtues and merits but of his unlimited trust in God’s mercy”. And elsewhere: “Our lack of trust hurts God and hits Him straight to the heart“.
We learn from Our Lady’s call to prayer that our prayer will have good consequences, or to be more precise, will bear good fruits for our children and grandchildren. And not only for us but for others who will come after us. We will not regret that we prayed. Vice versa, we will be happy that we did it. Probably we will regret and feel sorry if we don’t pray for the Virgin Mary’s intentions. We will feel sorry that we didn’t believe, that we thought only of ourselves and some insignificant things were for us more important than prayer.
Hence we can make another conclusion: how important we are! How important our prayer is! How important Our Lady considers us to be! Will we waste this trust?
Besides, we learn that it is good to pray for the Virgin Mary’s intentions, not only for our intentions and for our wishes to come true.
First, Our Lady desires us also to get involved, to act and to be active as well. Second, when we pray for Our Lady’s intentions we don’t think about ourselves and it frees us from ourselves. Modern man is focused on himself very much, “turns around” himself so in such a way he gets enslaved and is unable to grow up spiritually. Not only the person himself doesn’t grow spiritually but also the love doesn’t spread among us because of selfishness. If it is important for a person only to get fun, to make himself feel good then he doesn’t care about others and isn’t interested in what happens to others thus it may lead to cold relationships and have serious consequences for the society’s development and progress. What are the benefits of technological development in our society if our relationships are cold and there is no love? What good will it be for us to get closer and closer to Mars when we are moving away from one another and from God?
And finally, calling us to prayer for Her intention the Virgin Mary wants us to be one family. She is Our Mother and we are Her children. When we are together we can do much good. If only we trust the Virgin Mary of course.
Dear brothers and sisters, dear children of Mary, pray for the intentions of Our Heavenly mother! Believe that we won’t regret it. We will be happy that we dedicated our time to prayer and became collaborators with the Mother of God in the salvation of the world.
Remember that Our Lady calls us to pray for Her intentions:
“I invite you to decide to pray for My intentions” (July, 25 1993).
What are the requests of the Mother of God?
“Dear children! Today I beseech you to stop slandering and to pray for the unity of the parish, because I and My Son have a special plan for this parish” (April, 12 1984).
“Pray all the prayers for the opening of sinful hearts. I desire that. God desires that through me” (April 18, 1985).
“Especially I call you to pray so that all those who are far away from God may be converted” (August 25, 1989)
“Today I wish to call you to pray daily for souls in purgatory” (November 6, 1986).
“Especially I call you to pray for my intentions, so that I can present you to my Son Jesus; for Him to transform and open your hearts to love. When you will have love in the heart, peace will rule in you” (July 25, 2004).
“I rejoice with you and I invite you to prayer. Little children, pray for my intention. Your prayers are necessary to me, through which I desire to bring you closer to God. He is your salvation” (September 25, 1994).
“Today I invite you to pray for peace” (July 25, 1991)
“Today like never I call you to pray for peace, for peace in your hearts, peace in your families and peace in the whole world, because Satan wants war, wants lack of peace, wants to destroy all which is good” (March 25, 1993)
Let’s pray:
Lord God, I ask You not for myself but for Virgin Mary’s intentions, for Your and Her plans of peace to be fulfilled in the whole world…
Continue to pray for Our Lady’s intentions (rosary, …), sacrifice the Holy Mass, quit something and fast.