On the Feast of St. Joseph, the Worker, on May 1, 2022, we consecrated ourselves to St. Joseph after 33 days of preparation. About 2,200 brothers and sisters from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Israel and other countries participated in the spiritual exercises. The life of St. Joseph is an inspiration to many. The whole Church recognizes him as her patron and protector. Let us be guided by St. Joseph to grow in our love for God and our relationship with Jesus and Our Lady.
We are pleased to share with you some testimonies and experiences with St. Joseph.
“Thank you for this spiritual exercises. I thank St. Joseph for being my father. Thank you for everything. I have learned a lot about St. Joseph and now he is the father of me, my husband, my children and my granddaughter.”
“I thank St. Joseph for the blessed time I spent with him, for the deep knowledge of this saint. I thank him for protecting and blessing our families. St. Joseph be our patron and accompany us in all our difficulties and joys.”
“My heartfelt thanks for your kind, sacrificial service, especially at this time when we so desperately need to live in the truth and love, close to the Lord and His Mother. This closeness is increased for me with St. Joseph. I give thanks that I have been able to get to know him more and make him part of my everyday life, and I look forward to the days ahead, filled with joy and hope that with St. Joseph it will not so mundane, but beautiful, blessed, sanctifying. May the Lord bless you.“
“During these days, I learned to marvel at St. Joseph. I never realized that he has been my Father, protector and defender. Amen.”
“Praised be Jesus Christ! Many thanks are due to St. Joseph. In my hometown and in my family, we venerate St. Joseph in a very special way. We entrust him the keys of our home and pray for all the dying. Last year, for the first time, I made a consecration from a book from which this spiritual exercise is adapted. I still entrust myself to his protection and to the protection of our Heavenly Mother. This time I saw this preparation for consecration as a great gift from the Holy Family. Thank you.“
” When I read these comments and thank you notes, everything I would like to write has been written so far. But still I would like to add something. I’ve already made a consecration to St. Joseph, but only now have I come to realize how little I think of him and don’t ask for his help. But then something has happened to me that has made me fold my hands in prayer and ask for his help. And St. Joseph immediately intervened. I thank him from the bottom of my heart.”
“Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. This approach suited me very well. I felt as if St. Joseph would always be with me and I still feel that way now. He is a wonderful man, a protector, a father and I believe he is also responsible for my job, which I asked him for very much. I feel as if he would always be standing behind me on my right side. And I can just call for help anytime… Amazing! I like him even more and I’ve grown very fond of him.”
It’s wonderful to be under the protection of St. Joseph. I love him very much and he has worked many miracles for me. The biggest one was when we needed to sell the house. There were several houses for sale in that area and much nicer ones than ours. Unfortunately, my sick sister could no longer live in it. I asked St. Joseph for help. He not only found buyers right away, but also an apartment for my sister. To this day I am very grateful to him, because my sister had the apartment she longed for the past six months. I really wanted to have a statue of him but I couldn’t find one that I imagined anywhere. When my son bought the house, there was a statue just like that waiting for me.”
“Thank you for all that you do for us and for bringing us together into the family of God’s children. Thank you St. Joseph for all your graces. We ask for God’s blessing for you all.“