At the spiritual retreat, we were very impressed by the lectures of Fr. Yuri. He beautifully connected two sacraments – the Sacrament of Priesthood and the Sacrament of Marriage. The lectures were full of humility, wisdom, love and wit.Perhaps we were most moved by the words of Fr. Yure says that the most valuable thing we can give each other in marriage is ATTENTION. It was also beautiful how he taught us to cherish our marriage, because this is a sacrament and we received it from God. My husband was impressed by the fact that marriage is an adventure and enjoyment of life. He also told us that problems in marriage are solved with God, the rosary and on our knees. It was also nice to learn that in the Book of Genesis it is written how God first blessed Adam and Eve, and then commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. In the lectures, we considered many topics, such as communication in marriage, prayer in the family and in the messages of the Mother of God, what is happiness and holiness. I was impressed by the science of holiness, namely: it is for everyone, it cannot be earned, but everyone must live in holiness in the state to which he is called. And finally, two more thoughts about holiness. We are holy because we live in the Sacrament of Marriage, and holiness is a daily life in harmony with God. We wish all spouses a life full of adventures with God, not in silence (they say silence has no place in marriage), but on the path of holiness under the protection of our Mother of God. We look forward to the spiritual renewal next February and encourage other couples to come and experience the blessing and renewal of their marriages.
Dan and Veronika Strbic