Jim Caviezel became a world-famous actor after his role in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Who is he, the actor who so impressively entered the role of Christ? Personally, he claims that if it weren’t for Medjugorje, he would hardly have agreed to this role. It was in Medjugorje that he realized for the first time, as never before, how especially important faith is. In February, he made a pilgrimage to this holy place for the sixth time, and on the way back he visited Vienna, where he gave an interview to the journalist of “Oasis of Peace”, Christian Stelzer.
– Jim, can you tell me how you found out about Medjugorje?
– My wife went to Medjugorje exactly when I was in Ireland filming the movie “Monte Cristo”. I was not in the best condition then, although I worked seven days a week. One day she called me, and I understood from her voice that something had changed. She started talking about Medjugorje and said that one of the visionaries was going to visit Ireland. I interrupted her: “You know, I really have something to do here and I’m not going to meet any visionaries.” Also, I thought: even if I’m Catholic, that doesn’t mean I necessarily know about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, Fatima, or Medjugorje, let alone believe in them. That’s exactly what I thought then.
I remembered that even a long time ago, when I went to a Catholic school, we were very impressed when we learned about Medjugorje. But later, when we learned that our bishop does not recognize it and considers it false, we immediately lost interest in Medjugorje…
However, the visionary Ivan Dragitsevich still came to Ireland. I knew from the beginning that I would not have time for him due to my busy schedule. One day my co-star got sick and I was given the day off, so I was able to be present during the apparition. I was standing at the back, at the very door of the crowded church, and I didn’t quite understand what was happening there. And when a man sitting next to me in a wheelchair fell to his knees during the apparition, I was deeply moved. This physically disabled person, despite all the pain, knelt on the cold floor and prayed! Now I understand that only the Lord knew what He could do to get my attention!
It may seem strange, but the following Sunday I was given the day off again, and I was able to meet with Ivan, which my wife wanted so much. During the apparition, I knelt very close to him and said in my heart: “Well, here I am, Lord. I am ready. Do whatever you want with me.” At the same moment, I felt something start to fill me. This “something” was very ordinary, and at the same time something very special.
When I got up, tears were streaming down my cheeks, I was crying with all my heart. Ivan said to me: “Jim, a person always finds time for what he loves. If someone who has no free time at all meets a girl and falls in love with her, he will always find time for her. People don’t have time for God because they don’t love Him.” He continued: “The Lord calls you to pray with your heart.” I asked him: “How is it?” – “We need to start praying,” replied Ivan. At that moment, the door of my heart opened. I didn’t even dream that this could happen.
Then we went to a restaurant, and I have to say that I have never tasted wine and food as much as I did that evening. Changes were happening inside me. My wife used to always want to teach me to pray the rosary, but I never agreed. Now I longed to pray the rosary, but I did not know how. I just felt my heart open. One morning, when my driver was taking me to the set, I said to him, “I don’t know what you’re going to say, but I’d really like to pray the rosary.” To my great surprise, the driver replied, “Okay, let’s pray.”
In the gentle light of love that I felt inside me, I understood where I was before, how many temptations accompanied me, where my feelings were, how weak I was and how harshly I judged other people.
To be continued….