Just trust Her…

When hen we pray and fast for the realization of the intentions and plans of peace of the Mother of God, God acts through the Virgin Mary where it is most needed and in the best way. We invite you in this new year to continuous prayer and fasting for the realization of the intentions and plans of peace of the Blessed Virgin Mary – www.mir.com.hr

Glory to Jesus Christ! My name is Lyuba. Last winter, I visited Matus in Medjugorje. There I was offered to pray an hour of the Rosary for the peace and plans of the Mother of God, and of course I agreed. From the very beginning, this prayer began to bring great satisfaction, peace and peace in the heart. But a few months passed – and I began to gradually put her in the background.And in a month or a half, I stopped praying altogether. Since then, she began to notice that she was disorganized, irritated, and quarrels and mutual accusations resumed in the family. And I was so immersed in this that I began to be disappointed again in prayer and in God in general. Somehow I felt sorry for an acquaintance who, by the way, offered me this prayer for peace. She asked if I was still praying. I answered that no, because I don’t have time: it’s summer, I have a lot to do, and besides, I pray so much. And she replied: “And you try – and you will see that everything will change.” And I tried again. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I am once again praying for an hour for Mother’s plans. This is an incredible feeling of lightness, joy, confidence in tomorrow. Yes, there are still problems, but very quickly the Mother of God and I find the right solution. Therefore, I would like to ask everyone who has not yet practiced this prayer, not to delay and definitely start praying – and very soon radical and pleasant changes will begin in your life. Remember: our Mother is always happy to help everyone, just trust her, and she will do everything possible to make her children happy.

Lyuba, Ukraine

In the spring of 2020, I began to pray for peace and for the plans of the Mother of God. At first there were two of us. We signed up for 1 hour of prayer when it was convenient for us, and then started praying one hour a week. That’s how this prayer changed my heart – and I began to pray more deeply, I learned more about the love of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. And when I pray for peace, peace comes to my heart, fills it – and I become much happier.Now we – a group of five people – began to pray for peace every morning: we sign up for a certain hour and pray for the plans of the Mother of God and peace in the whole world. And every day becomes peaceful, joyful, life changes, filled with God’s love. I feel the protection of the Virgin Mary in all my endeavors, in all my work. I thank the Mother of God for teaching me to pray for peace and for bringing great peace to my heart. I encourage everyone to get together in small groups and pray for peace, because joint prayer is much stronger, and most importantly, that prayer brings much-needed peace to each of us. May the Lord bless all those who pray for the plans of the Virgin Mary and all people in the whole world.

Taras, Ukraine

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