From 22 to 25 August 2023, two Medjugorje Prayer Meetings for Peace in Ukraine took place, two tender embraces of the Heavenly Mother full of love for the whole of Ukraine.
We left Medjugorje on Tuesday, August 22, on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary at 2 a.m., with the Medjugorje parish priest, Father Zvonimir Pavičić, Nancy and Patrik Latta, Theresa Gažiová and members of the Light of Mary Community.
In the evening of the same day, the first prayer meeting was held in the Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery in Solonka near Lviv. After the testimonies, the rosary and the Holy Mass celebrated by the Auxiliary Bishop of the Lviv Archdiocese, Edward Kawa, followed the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
From all sides were could hear the words: “Medjugorie has now come to us, not only spiritually, but also physically.”
The second prayer meeting took place on the Independence Day of Ukraine (August 24, 2023) in Pidhirtsi, a well-known Greek Catholic Marian shrine. The meeting started at 9.00 a.m. and lasted until 8.00 p.m. It was an extraordinary day of graces, filled with praying the rosary on our knees, Greek Catholic Liturgy, adoration and singing. Throughout the day there was the opportunity for Holy Confession, spiritual talks and the opportunity to experience the power of community. Except for an hour break for lunch, we prayed and listened to Father Zvonimir’s catechesis and various testimonies.
The meeting was attended by about 5,000 people. They were mostly women and children: mothers of fallen soldiers, widows, mothers and wives of those in captivity and their children. The whole program was broadcast live all over Ukraine and there were screens installed around the church because of the large number of people gathered.
The great joy of the faithful was to see the dear “Medjugorjeans” on Ukrainian soil, for they came there to pray with them for their people and their homeland, for the end of the war, for all the suffering, the wounded and the survivors. In a special way, we prayed for the soldiers, that the Heavenly Mother would touch each one of them through the prayers of the faithful. We also prayed for the unaccounted, the wounded, those in the trenches, in captivity, so that every heart may feel the warmth of Our Lady’s Motherly Heart and her embrace.
In confession, liturgy, adoration, prayer of the rosary and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, everyone could open his or her heart and surrender his or her pains, tears and wounds to God’s love, and thus be healed and comforted.
In Holy Communion, Jesus Himself came to us through the hands of his blessed sons, the priests. In his homily, Father Zvonimir pointed out the importance of understanding that we are not alone and that God is with us. Words cannot describe the love and warmth we felt. Each testimony, each catechesis was like a pearl, like a balm that healed and cured.
Many people present said that during the meeting they felt the presence tenderness and compassion of the Mother of God as if they were in Medjugorje. It is impossible that the prayer of so many people for the gift of God’s love and peace could be unanswered…
The second prayer meeting ended up with adoration. At 7.40 p.m. Ukrainian time, we knelt in silence and at the moment of Our Lady’s apparition in Medjugorje, we entrusted Ukraine to her Immaculate Heart, with the faith that the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary would reign in Ukraine.
We thank all those who accompanied us in prayer during these days of grace.
Veronika and Tanya from the Light of Mary Community