It was my wife who told me about Medjugorje. For a long time, she had a desire to be close to Our Lady and asked me to go there with her. I agreed, even though I was trying to figure out what to do at the last minute to avoid going.
However, time passed, the journey got closer and I didn’t even know how and we were already standing in front of the bus. To tell you the truth, everything was annoying me. I couldn’t understand my inner reluctance. It seemed as if some force was holding me and didn’t want to let go. I clearly remember the words of Fr. Taras, our spiritual father, who said that we would come back as different people. It seemed like a fabrication to me. How can a person change in a few days? But Our Lady had a plan for me and for this trip.
When we arrived, I was feeling more and more angry and aggressive, arguing with my wife and not understanding why I was behaving the way I was. In my spirit I asked God to change my heart. And at Our Lady’s intercession, my request was answered the very next day.
I woke up and felt peace in my heart. A peace that I had not felt for years. That day my wife and I quickly caught up with our group that was climbing up Podbrdo.
Instead of my typical irritation, however, I felt only peace and tranquility. We quickly caught up with the group and it was the first time my wife and I noticed a change. Another surprise was the desire to go to confession. Truth be told, it had been several years since my last confession. I was constantly making up excuses why I didn’t need confession. In Medjugorje I made my first sincere confession, with tears in my eyes I asked God’s forgiveness and repented of my sins.
Our Lady has changed me forever. She revealed in me a spiritual need for God that I had never noticed in myself. She helped my wife and I in our needs and also strengthened our family.
I thank Our Lady for all the graces and changes in my life!