Praised be Jesus Christ!
Greetings from Belarus. We want to share with you the spiritual life of our prayer group.
We have been praying together for 16 years, and in those 16 years we can already see the fruits of our prayer. We have prayed for our men to be more active in faith, in prayer and in service to the Church. Nine years later, the St. Joseph’s Men’s Prayer Group was formed in our parish. Also, one of the fruits of our prayer group was the vocations to the priesthood. At the moment there are two young men in the seminary and three girls from our parish decided to leave everything behind and consecrate their lives to Jesus. Now they serve in the Community of God the Father in Austria.
Another beautiful fruit of our prayer group was the birth of 16 children who were born to 16 members of our prayer group. We pray for these children to be pious, to have faith and love for the Lord.
Our prayer group also participates in the perpetual prayer of the rosary. Each member of our group chooses one hour on 17th day of each month and prays the rosary for Our Lady’s intentions during this time hour. In our group, we have also organized perpetual fasting; each member fasts on bread and water for the intentions of Our Lady on the day he or she has chosen before.
Our desire was to go on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. For a long time, we did not manage to get there, every effort was unsuccessful. What we managed was that we were able to participate at Medjugorje meetings in Ukraine. Once we were at a prayer meeting in Ukraine, one of the participants wrote a letter to Our Lady. A few months later, Our Lady invited us to Medjugorje and we all were happy to go there. Each of us has been to Medjugorje several times. Some five times, the other four times, some people even less, but to each one the time on pilgrimage bore some fruit. People who have experienced something extraordinary there share their testimony.