On December 8, 2021, we solemnly concluded the 33-day spiritual exercises of Consecration to the Holy Trinity through the Blessed Virgin Mary. We were united in this prayer from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Israel and other countries. Approximately 8,000 of us surrendered our lives to Jesus through the heart of Our Lady. May these testimonies be an encouragement for us to join the next 33-day spiritual exercises. Invite your neighbors, your family, your community, your parish. You can find the start date of the retreat on our website www.thelightofmary.com.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of you who participated in the spiritual exercises of Consecration to the Holy Trinity. Our Lady unites us in this way. I have had a wonderful 33 days filled with God’s love. It was not the first time, but each time it is more powerful. It is impossible to describe what I feel in my heart. I wish you all an abundance of God’s blessings and many graces. I bless you. Anna
Greetings from the Czech Republic from Adamov near Blansko. We are a family with four children. My eldest son will soon be 11 years old and the youngest is 2 years and 8 months old. I prayed the 33 days of consecration prayers alone. My husband knew about it, but he did not want to join. But on December 8, I told all my children about this act of love for God and Our Lady. When I told them that the broadcasting would be directly from Medjugorje, they were all excited. The second oldest son was willing to go buy Our Lady a bouquet, the others prepared chairs and I (their mother) set up the altar on the table. The whole family prayed the rosary together with the Medjugorje community. Then, we all prayed the prayer of consecration together. As we went one by one to sign the consecration, the youngest ran to do that too, and even though he cannot write, he drew a little car for God and Our Lady. I want to thank you for your love and for the opportunity for to do this consecration. The whole 33 days the time spent with the prayers you sent me in the mail gave me peace and love. With gratitude Lucie Rita
The most beautiful and the most joyful thing for me is that in one moment 8,000 thousand faithful were joined together in one place to pray together with reverence to Our Lady. This gives me great strength to go on through these turbulent times and to know that I am not alone and that we have the greatest protection of Heaven and need not be afraid. I wish everyone blessed days filled with joy. Jana
I have never been to Medjugorje, but during these 33 days Our Lady “transported” me there every day. The most powerful for me were the messages. I will set them as a motto for my upcoming days and with God’s help I will try to live by them. I am grateful to Our Lady for the consecration. Helena
Thank you very much for the preparation of the spiritual exercises. I have started it with you several times, but I have never been able to complete it until this time. That is what made my joy all the greater. However, I did the consecration on Tuesday at the evening Mass in Our Lady the Help of Christians Church, knowing that I would not be able to make it on Wednesday. I had been to the Sacrament of Reconciliation before that, even though I receive this sacrament regularly. On my walks to the Mass, I was shown the sins that I had never thought to confess and it is safe to say that I hadn’t considered them as sins before. I had a very beautiful feeling after Mass and I knew in my spirit that Our Lady accepted everything on this day. Many thanks and abundance of God’s blessing to you all. Jarmila
These are moments of grace. I have done this consecration several times and it is always something different and beautiful. I feel the presence of the Heavenly Mother, her guidance. I am happy that I have extended the “chain” to the parish. First, there was one and now I don’t even know the number. I hope to be able to complete the whole consecration in our church one day. I always look forward to every prayer, it is a blessing. Thanks.
Thank you for organizing this. It has been a beautiful 33 day journey that will never end until we meet the Holy Trinity in Heaven. I did my consecration in Germany. After Mass, the priest signed my consecration and wished me great fruits. I wish the same for all of you who have done the consecration. May Our Lady accompany us! Mary