Several times a year, Seminars of Fasting, Prayer and Silence are held in Medjugorje for different countries. In the middle of May, pilgrims from Lithuania attended this seminar. We would like to share with you a short testimony from this seminar.
The most important is the heart
This has been my tenth year of participation in the Seminar of Fasting, Prayer and Silence in Medjugorje. During this time, I have clearly understood how wonderfully Our Lady guides me through this life. She does not keep anything for herself. She leads me far, deeper and closer to Jesus, to the Heavenly Father. I realized that the most important thing in life is the heart, its condition, its wounds. In spiritual battles it is about the heart, because the enemy of souls wants to conquer human hearts. After attending the seminar for the first time, I devoted a lot of attention to Mary. She became my heavenly mother, since my biological mother was cold. Then my attention shifted to Jesus and after receiving Holy Communion I said? “Jesus, I love you”. Much to my surprise, I experienced the touch of Heavenly Father during the seminar.
At the beginning of the seminar, Father Marin spoke about how fasting and prayer pave the way to God. These words really stayed in my heart. As always during the seminar, while eating, sitting at the table, chewing bread and drinking tea, I thanked God for the grain, for the people who grew it, harvested it, reaped it, trimmed it, milled it, baked the bread, and for the water that God created. What great miracles God did when He created the earth and the universe. I thanked God for all of this. This is how Terka, who lives in the Light of Mary Community, taught us to give thanks. And suddenly the words “Father God, I love you” burst out of my heart and tears streamed down my cheeks. I heard the words “I love you, daughter”. These words caused my heart to rush into the arms of my Heavenly Father. I began to weep. I felt a longing for Heavenly Father.
My biological father, although he never hurt me, he never hugged me or talked to me and for some reason called me sister. He never called me daughter. Maybe because his heart was very wounded, because he himself had not experienced the love of his parents, because he stayed on the streets when his mother, sisters and brother were taken to Siberia. He hasn’t had a father for a long time, he died.
In the past few years, when I went to Mass, I asked Jesus to use his wounds to heal mine, the wounds of my relatives and all the people, especially those in the war zone. Now I come back from my memories with the news that my wound is healed and I have a Heavenly Father and I will be able to say “FATHER, I LOVE YOU” to Him.