The Virgin Mary wants us to return to praying the rosary in our families. She says that nothing unites a family like joint prayer, and that parents have a great responsibility for their children. Further, the Mother of God says that parents are called to plant the roots of faith in the hearts of their children. They can do this only when they pray together, go to St. Liturgy, because children only do it the way they see it at home. Children should see that for their father and mother, God and the Virgin Mary are in the first place, and only then everything else.
In Medjugorje, I had the opportunity to communicate with many young couples from all over the world, and they all repeat the same thing: “We don’t have time to pray, we work a lot, we want our children to have an easier time than us, we want to leave them as much as possible…” When I listen to them, I understand that they are wrong. Because you can leave everything material in the world to them, and they will want two thousand. But when in their hearts children, you will leave Jesus in the first place, they will be happy and at peace with what they have, because they will have peace, the true peace that only Jesus Christ can give.
When I say that children see much more than we think, I always give an example from my family when my eldest daughter Maria was only two years old. I never told her about the phenomenon, because I thought that a two-year-old child did not understand anything. One day she was playing in the house with her friend, and I went in to see what they were doing, and I heard the other child say, “My mom drives a car!” My Mary was silent for a moment, and then she said: “My mother talks to the Virgin Mary every day!” That is, although I did not tell her anything, she herself understood what was happening in our house. That is why the example of parents is so important.
Taken from Light of Mary