Interview with visionary Maria Lunetti for the 40th anniversary of the apparitions

What did the first apparition of the Mother of God look like? The Mother of God was on the mountain, and we are below. We were all stunned. The first few days we lived like in a dream. Who could understand why us and why this is happening to us? As for the Mother of God, She always comes in the same way – standing on a cloud.The first day when she came with baby Jesus in her arms, she was wearing a gray dress, a white veil on her head, a crown of stars. She has blue eyes, her hands are folded. And the statue of the Virgin that is being sold, where she is in a flowing dress, does not exist, and it is not the Virgin of Medjugorje! The real statue of the Virgin is the one that has a long gray dress and a white veil that falls to the very bottom, there are no two veils and there is no belt on the dress. So, you can see her folded arms, but not her legs. She is standing on a cloud. And so it has always been, from the very beginning.

So, your impression of the Mother of God did not change during these years? This is not an impression, this is reality! It’s not in my head, it’s true! I never got used to the Mother of God. This is a large opening above Medjugorje, where the Sky opens and from where the Mother of God comes – always the same. There are theories that we cannot see God because then our faith would weaken. It does not! God is always new, always surprising us. My faith was strengthened when I saw the Mother of God.But it is important not only to see, but also to accept with the heart, to kneel and pray with humility or, as the Bible says: enter your room, close the door behind you and pray to your Father. It’s the same with us. We can receive all gifts, but if there is no prayer, it is a desert without fruit. If we pray, God will bless us and comfort us.

Can you describe the mood, voice, language of the Mother of God? There are moments when She is serious, sad or joyful, but expresses all this much more deeply than we do. She worries about us the most. Her voice is like music. She speaks Croatian, of course, Herzegovian, how else would I understand her? I would not fully understand someone who speaks the Zagreb dialect, because there are words that I cannot interpret.

Which Mother of God from other shrines is most similar to Medjugorje? Our Lady of Fatima, because She said in a message: “What I started in Fatima, I continue in Medjugorje!” The Mother of God in Fatima called for prayer and fasting as a sign of repentance and conversion, called Russia to conversion and said that her Immaculate Heart will triumph.We pray for this in a special way, so that in this troubled world, in this unfaithful world, there will be faith, which is the most important thing. I always say that without God we have no future, that is, as the Mother of God says, “no future, no eternal life.” So we need to return to God.

Maria Lunetti, taken from the magazine Glasnik mira


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