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Category: Medjugorje

I remain with You (Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

I remain with You (Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

As we have already said, after Holy Mass and Communion, we must spend more time in communication with Christ in prayer, thanksgiving, and silence. Simply put, we must be with Jesus because He wants to…

Knowledge of God

Knowledge of God

Dear friends! I want to share my way of knowing God. I was born in an Orthodox family, where church rules and rituals were not observed, as in many Soviet families of that time. My…

Prayer Vigil for New Year’s Eve 2025 in Medjugorje

Prayer Vigil for New Year’s Eve 2025 in Medjugorje

”Peace! Peace! Peace! May peace reign between God and people! This profound message sets two clear starting points for peace: God and man, God and human being. Harmony between God and a human being is…

Archbishop Aldo Cavalli presided over the Midnight Holy Mass in Medjugorje

Archbishop Aldo Cavalli presided over the Midnight Holy Mass in Medjugorje

The Midnight Holy Mass St. James church in Medjugorje church was presided over by the Apostolic Visitor with a special role for the parish of Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli. Before this Holy Mass, there was…

Christmas greetings from the Apostolic Visitor with a special role for the parish of Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli

Christmas greetings from the Apostolic Visitor with a special role for the parish of Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli

We celebrate the birth of Jesus. We celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel shows us Jesus the Savior, the Redeemer, the Living One, also shows us, in a profound way, the…

Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM
Profound prostration (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

Profound prostration (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

Profound prostration (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM) After the solemn singing of the preface, the faithful joyfully call out: “To HimWho comes”. He is blessed, sent by the Father. He is a saint. Hosanna is proclaimed…

The 23rd International Spiritual Retreat for Married Couples was held in Medjugorje

The 23rd International Spiritual Retreat for Married Couples was held in Medjugorje

The International spiritual retreat for married couples took place in Medjugorje this November. This spiritual renewal was held for the 23rd time, and the theme, like all other spiritual retreats that took place in Medjugorje this…

Prayer Vigil for New Year’s Eve 2025 in Medjugorje

Prayer Vigil for New Year’s Eve 2025 in Medjugorje

”Peace! Peace! Peace! May peace reign between God and people! This profound message sets two clear starting points for peace: God and man, God and human being. Harmony between God and a human being is…

33 spiritual reflection days
33 spiritual reflection days to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

33 spiritual reflection days to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

THE FIRST DAY. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, come through the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of the Most Pure Virgin Mary,…

In the School of Our Lady
Imitate the saints and live the holiday (Teresa Gazhiyova)

Imitate the saints and live the holiday (Teresa Gazhiyova)

Imitate the saints and live the holiday (Teresa Gazhiyova)   The holy martyrs, dying, testified: “I am a Christian and I love God above all else!” (11/25/1997). “My children and you can be saints, it…

Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM
Let the saints be an example for you (Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM)

Let the saints be an example for you (Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM)

Message, 25. October 2024 “Dear children, At this time, when you are celebrating the day of All Saints, seek their intercession and prayers so that in union with them, you may find peace. May the…

Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM
I praise You, oh my God! (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

I praise You, oh my God! (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

I praise You, oh my God! (Father Slavko Barbaric, OFM) After repentance and regret for sins, the Church reveals to us the joy of meeting, which always follows reconciliation, and this meeting is the beginning…

Br. Zvonimir Pavičić participated in Medjugorje prayer meetings in England

Br. Zvonimir Pavičić participated in Medjugorje prayer meetings in England

Medjugorje parish priest Br. Zvonimir Pavičić recently visited England at the invitation of the Medjugorje Council for England and Wales, where he met with pilgrims who are coming to Medjugorje and who wanted first-hand and…

Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM
Be people of hope and prayer (Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM)

Be people of hope and prayer (Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM)

The Virgin Mary says in last month’s message: “… I am with you, so that peace may reign in you and around you, because God sent me to you with this intention.”Heaven’s call to peace…

Change in the timetable of the prayer program in Medjugorje

Change in the timetable of the prayer program in Medjugorje

Change in the timetable of the prayer program in Medjugorje As of Sunday, September 1, the timetable of the prayer program in Medjugorje is changing. The evening prayer program begins with the Rosary at 5…