Briefly about myself. My husband and I have been married in the church for 36 years and have visited Medjugorje more than 20 times. This is our second home, we always rest and recover in “Meju”. During those years of attending the school of the Mother of God, we “learned” a lot and put it into practice. But, of course, until the end of our lives, we have something to learn, something to change and correct. I am grateful to the Lord God and the Virgin Mary for the many graces and undeserved gifts that we received from them, and for the many prayers we heard. I believed in the power of prayer, the Rosary prayer, the power of adoration. I know that when I pray for the salvation of a human soul, God always hears this prayer. It is His will that the soul of man be saved, because for this He came into this world. I want to share with you the history of our family. I always prayed for my closest relatives who had not yet known God’s love. In the last two years, three sisters have died – my mother, my godmother and a witness to confirmation (Anointing). Three years before her death, my gravely ill mother converted, confessed, prayed, and before her death received the sacrament of the Anointing of the sick. I prayed for my 82-year-old godmother and begged her to begin the sacrament of reconciliation. She did not want to for a long time… As a child, she received her first Holy Communion, so she immediately made the first nine Fridays on the advice of the priest – and since then she has not started the sacraments. She agreed two years before going to eternity, confessed – after 70 years. She died after receiving the necessary sacraments. Yanka, my confirmation witness, also lived in a church marriage, but did not practice faith. Two years ago, she received a serious diagnosis. At my request, after 47 years, she accepted the sacrament of Reconciliation, and the priest gave her to receive Holy Communion on the first nine Fridays as penance. She agreed, the priest visited her at home when she was seriously ill – and Yanka took communion on the first nine Fridays.
Soon after, she died suddenly of another diagnosis. For these people, so close to my heart, I prayed and begged for the salvation of their souls. I am very grateful to God that He heard my prayers and that they are salvific. For many years I prayed for my brother. He lived in a church marriage for 30 years, has two adult children. He did not practice faith. You can say that he believed a little bit of everything – Buddhism, Hinduism, Reiki, various healers… He criticized and ridiculed Christianity. Sometimes, when we started talking about Christianity, things ended badly. Five years ago, I made a promise to myself: no matter what he says, I will not react in any way. I won’t say anything more. It is better to talk to God about a sinner than to a sinner about God. I celebrated the first nine Fridays for my brother’s conversion and every week, especially at adoration, I asked for the salvation of his soul. To my great surprise, he asked me last September if we were going to Medjugorje for farewell, and said that he would also go there with his wife. I know that the Virgin Mary invited him. We attended a seminar for married couples together. My brother confessed after 30 years, and his wife – after 25 years. He quit smoking in Medjugorje and still doesn’t smoke. He bought me a beautiful heart with the image of the Mother of God and hugged me and thanked me. After many years, we can communicate normally with each other. After returning from Medjugorje, I visited them, brought them books and asked if they prayed the Rosary. The daughter-in-law replied: “Yes, I must.” I asked, “Why do you have to?” She replied that the priest had given her to pray the whole nine rosaries and pray the deity of the first nine Fridays as penance. My brother said that he too should take Communion on the first nine Fridays. I told him that I held them five years ago for his conversion. He looked at me in surprise and said, “And why did it take me so long?” And told him that I geld them five years ago for his conversion. He looked at me n surprise and said, “And vii did it take me so long?” I look forward to the conversion of my brother, sister-in-law, I know that this is a strong spiritual struggle. I pray for them and dedicate them to the Virgin Mary. I still continue to do the first nine Fridays for the salvation of the souls of my relatives, and I see that the Lord God is working, always hearing my prayer. We can do the first nine Fridays on behalf of one of our neighbors, friends and enemies, for all those who have not yet known God’s love. Many thanks to the Lord God and the Mother of God!