In the last month’s message, Our Lady told us that God sent her to be our joy and our way of hope. Her presence and messages are full of joy, hope of optimism. She does not come to intimidate us, but warns us and detects the present spiritual state in which the world is.
Our weak human memory may ask: What did you, Jesus, redeem us and set us free from? We see the world full of wars, hatred, murder and suffering of the innocent. The world lives in fear of nuclear war, environmental pollution, food shortages. The news and forecasts are getting more and more pessimistic. And on the other hand, we hear Our Lady who speaks to us of joy, hope and goodness.
The world of war, hatred and killing is not the world of those who follow Jesus Christ and follow the call Our Lady from heavens. Even in this message, She does not give up on us, but invites us to pray with even greater zeal. Prayer is the only way and path to God, hope and faith.
Through Her messages, Our Lady brings to life the words of Jesus in the Gospels, which will never pass away, “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man“ (Luke 21,34-36).
Prayer opens hearts and gives hope, and faith is born and strengthened. When prayer withdraws from our lives, we gradually, unnoticed, see how we have drifted away from the source of life and how we lose the ground beneath our feet. Prayer helps us to stay alive, united with Jesus’ promises and words. Jesus has never deceived anyone, nor has anyone been deceived who has put his trust in him.
The greatness of Our Lady’s holiness is in the words She said to God, „Let it be done to me according to your word“. Because of Our Lady’s ‘yes’, Jesus was able to be conceived and become a man. To love Mary is to speak and act like her. This is what Our Lady asks of us. Remember the wedding in Cana of Galilee when the wine ran out. What firm faith Our Lady has in going to Jesus and expecting a miracle from him. Although it might seem on the outside that Jesus rejects Our Lady’s request, She calmly says to the servants, „Do whatever he tells you.“
So let us not stop praying, even when our prayers are answered. When God does not immediately hear our prayer, then He is preparing our hearts for even greater graces and gifts that He wants to bestow upon us.
We are all familiar with the words of St. Mother Teresa, which echo Our Lady’s call and message, „The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace“.
Let us decide to walk the paths that Our Lady leads us to experience the fullness of life.
Let us pray: Our Lady, Queen of Peace, thank you for coming to us and for not being tired of speaking, even though we are not always your obedient children. We want to pray with you and we ask you to pray with us and for us, as you prayed with the first Church, with the Apostles, who were waiting for the promise of Jesus – for the Holy Spirit. We thank you, Our Lady, for every heart that has opened and that continues on the way of conversion and prayer. To you we entrust all of us, all those who are in the difficult trials of life, all those who are weary and disappointed. With your motherly heart, look also upon all those who have drifted away from God and prayer. We want to persevere on the way of prayer so that we may experience God of love and hope. Amen.