(This preparation was made with youth in May 1986 during a vigil.
It can be used during a pilgrimage or a retreat.)
Practical Recommendations for the Leader
- As the faithful enter the church, turn off all the lights. Darkness is the symbol of the situation of a soul in sin.
- Prepare the Paschal candle and one candle for each of the faithful, for each priest-confessor.
- Make sure that there are sufficient moments of silence.
Words of Introduction
Brothers and sisters in Christ, this is what happens often: instead of turning on the light, we turn it off; instead of spreading love, we bring hatred; instead of bringing hope, we choke it and live in despair. So many times we started and continued that way…
But we have come here because we want to cross our Red Sea. We experienced darkness and slavery; we want to turn on the light…
I do not know what is happening in your hearts now. I can only assume. Forgive me if I begin with the possibility of darkness in your heart…
Some may feel at this moment like someone who has heard from his doctor that he is seriously sick. He feels maybe sadness, anxiety, uncertainty, emptiness in his heart… but now it should not matter anymore. If in your heart and in your body you feel that this can change, you should not be disappointed… There is an answer! Jesus is with us. He came and brought light. He said: “I AM THE LIGHT!” (Jn 8:12)
Jesus, I do not want to stay in darkness. I want Your light now, Your light for my life, for my soul, for my heart. I want Your light for my family, for my encounter with my neighbour. I want Your light for my school, my college, my work… Jesus, I want the light, and You offer Yourself to me as light. Now I open my heart to You…
Jesus, in front of You I ask myself: How do I live my life?
I question myself in front of You, and in Your light I want to see the path that I took. Grant me to see my life through Your eyes.
In Your light I ask myself: Where are You, Jesus, in my life? Where is my love for God the Father, whom You want me to love above all? Where is my love for my neighbour? Where is my love for the gifts that You have given me?
Jesus, I question myself in front of You and in Your light. Help me find the answers.
You wanted me to pray, to trust. Now I ask myself how do I pray…
Jesus, You wanted me to receive new Food in the eucharistic encounter with You, receiving You in the Word and in the Host. You stayed with us because of me! How do I attend Holy Mass? How many times was my heart absent and the encounter with You was not possible…
Jesus, in front of You I ask myself: What have I done with my tongue, with the gift of speech? Do I praise You and bless You, or I used my tongue to dishonour Your Name, to curse, to offend?…
In front of You, Jesus, I ask myself: What is the place of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, excessive food in my life?
In front of You, Jesus, I ask myself: What is the place of television, of the media in my life? How do I use my precious time?
In front of You, Jesus, I ask myself: How did I understand Your call to respect my soul and my body, the soul and the body of others?…
In front of You, Jesus, I ask myself: How do I understand human life before and after birth?…
It is important that I understand in Your light, Jesus: How did I understand Your call to love everyone?…
In front of You, Jesus, I ask myself: What happened to the plan You had for me when You granted me gifts to serve You, to serve my neighbour?…
Lord, I ask myself all these questions and I hope to find the answers in the light of Your Spirit…
We remain in silence and search for answers. We listen to our heart. Let us be sincere. No one sees us except God. With our eyes closed and in silence, you will surely hear His voice, and in His light you will see light…
Practical Recommendations for the Leader
- Invitation to reject sin.
- Decision in favour of the light.
- Lighting of the Paschal candle.
- The leader gives candles to the priests.
Questions to the Assembly
On behalf of Jesus Christ I ask you:
- Do you reject sin?
- Do you reject selfishness and hatred?
- Do you reject evil?
- Do you reject the influence of Satan?
- … other possible questions…
- Are you ready to receive Jesus Christ as your light?
- If you are ready to receive Jesus Christ – the Light – I light on your behalf this Paschal candle which is the symbol of the Risen Lord who was raised from the dead by the power the Father.