“Dear children! In this time of grace, in which the Most High sends me to you to love you and guide you on the way of conversion, offer your prayers and sacrifices for all those who are far away and have not come to know God’s love. You, little children, be witnesses of love and peace for all peaceless hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
During one apparition, the visionary Maria Pavlović Lunetti asked Our Lady. “Mother, do you wish something specific from me?”
She replied, saying, “I give you my love so that you may give it to others.” This is the most beautiful and at the same time the most challenging message. The visionary explained why: To experience the beauty of Our Lady and to know that this love is given to you is something most beautiful in life. But when I try to love others and give them my love, it is very difficult and I feel ashamed of my lack of love compared to the all-embracing love of Our Lady.
What can be done for this? I pray every day to be open to Our Lady’s love and to be able to transmit it to others. Maria Pavlovic Lunetti talks about her experience.
Our Lady does not ask the impossible of us; she teaches us how we can become witnesses of love and peace. By faithfully living her messages – praying with the heart, living the Gospel, fasting, going to confession, receiving the Eucharist often, doing good deeds.
Living her messages is like planting a seed. The seed grows and only after time will it bear fruit. The harvest cannot be right away. “Work on your heart as on a field,” Our Lady teaches us. Patiently, perseveringly, faithfully. After time, we see the fruit. As our heart is, so are the people around us. Our life story touches others.
What happens when Our Lady loves us? We change. We become infected with her love. We become like her. One mother was on pilgrimage with her daughters in Medjugorje. When her own children were disobedient and did not want to pray, she was nervous about it, and she admonished them irritably. But to the other children with the same difficulties she was kind and smiled at them. At one point she became aware of her behavior. She apologized to her children and decided to love them. She understood that you just have to love and admonish the children with love and they are happy to change. Words spoken with love are heard differently.
We are all children of Our Lady; Jesus entrusted to her all humanity. The Mother wants us all to be saved. She needs us. “Without you, God cannot carry out His plans of salvation. Help me so that I can help you”, she tells us in the messages. Our Lady wants to love through us.
Today she calls us to offer sacrifices and prayers for those who have not come to know God’s love.
This is a call to love more. To unite small and great sufferings with the suffering of Jesus. Then love triumphs and God changes everything for good. The offered suffering with love has immeasurable power to save souls.
“My children, while you are enduring pain, while you are suffering, Heaven enters in you and you give a piece of Heaven and much hope to all those around you.” (September 2, 2017).
Our Lady’s love demands. Whoever loves suffers. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, suffered and died for us.
The visionaries describe the encounter with Our Lady as indescribably beautiful, coming joyful and happy. “Why are you so beautiful?”, they asked her. “I am beautiful because I love.” We are all invited to resemble our mother.
While the Most High sends Our Lady to us, we live a time of grace.
“This is a time of grace while I am with you, make good use of it. Say: ‘This is the time for my soul’.” (April 25, 2007).
“Dear children! In this time of grace, when God has permitted me to be with you, little children, I call you anew to conversion. Work on the salvation of the world in a special way while I am with you. God is merciful and gives special graces, therefore, seek them through prayer. I am with you and do not leave you alone.” (May 25, 2008).
These words from the messages bring us to gratitude and responsibility for our salvation and the salvation of the whole world.
Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Our Lady to love and guide us. Mary, we open our hearts to you and ask you to love us. With you, we ask that those who have not yet come to know your love open themselves to be loved by you. Your love is God’s love, let it flood the whole world, all the places where there is hatred and war.
Our Lady, make us witnesses of your love and peace to all restless hearts. Amen.