What happens when Our Lady prays for us? “Dear children, with much love and patience I strive to make your hearts like unto mine. I strive, by my example, to teach you humility, wisdom and love because I need you; I cannot do without you my children. According to God’s will I am choosing you, by his strength I am strengthening you. Therefore, my children, do not be afraid to open your hearts to me. I will give them to my Son and in return, he will give you the gift of divine peace“, she told us on January 2, 2013.
We are called to be conformed to the Mother of Jesus. To follow her in humility, always bringing others only to Jesus. Her manners are full of dignity, humility, peace. She teaches us to be grateful and to approach every person as she did. On June 24, 2023, she told us, “Thank you, dear children, for having received me, for having accepted my messages.” We have just celebrated the 42nd anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje. We thanked God for all the graces we received through her intercession. If we have not yet done so, let us do it now, let us go back to that moment when we first heard about Medjugorje, let us remember our first pilgrimage. Let us give thanks. Gratitude opens us to new and new graces. This is also what we learn from Our Lady. Praying with gratitude is a return to God and brings us abundant blessings.
The humility of Our Lady remains forever like a magnet for us. The visionary Marija bears witness of it, “Our Lady comes with such humility, as if I were a queen and she were coming to serve me.”
God allows her to be our Mother and our refuge. This is her promise to Sister Lucia at Fatima, “My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the sure way that will lead you to Heaven.” Our Lady is the Mother who watches carefully over our every step. When we call upon her, she leaves everything as it is and rushes to our aid. It is up to us if we want it. “God has given freedom to all, which I cherish in love and before which I bow in humility.” “I am with you and am praying for you but I cannot without your YES“, she tells us in her messages.
At one apparition, the visionaries asked Our Lady to stay with them. She replied that she was always with them. “Pray that you may be with me. Open your hearts so that I can impart to you all that I desire to impart to you and to give you from my Son.” Thus, it is not she, but we should remember that she was never heard of anyone being abandoned, taking refuge under her protection and asking for her help or intercession.
Our Lady calls to us, “Return to God and prayer and God will bless you abundantly.” This is her motherly advice to this day. May it become our resolution and our motto. In difficulties, fears, temptations and serious decisions, in everything that makes us fearful, let us invoke Mother Mary.
Let us pray: “All of you, who see yourselves amid the tides of the world, tossed by storms and tempests rather than walking on the land, do not turn your eyes away from this shining star, unless you want to be overwhelmed by the hurricane. If temptation storms, or y ou fall upon the rocks of tribulation, look to the star: Call upon Mary. In dangers, in ang uish, in doubt, think of Mary, call upon Mary.
Following her, thou strayest not; invoking her, thou despairest not; thinking of her, thou wanderest not; upheld by her, thou fallest not; shielded by her, thou fearest not; guided by her, thou growest not weary; favored by her, thou reachest the goal. Amen. (St. Bernard from Clairvaux)