Speaking about Medjugorje as the center of the new evangelization, Msgr. Cavalli said that all the popes showed great interest in this place.
“We know that Saint John Paul II. wanted to come here and visit this place that he respected so much, but he couldn’t. Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Ruini did research that was fundamental for the pastoral change in this place. And this pope, Pope Francis, made Medjugorje an international center of spirituality, with three very precise points:
The first: when five years ago he told all the priests and bishops: follow, follow and follow your faithful to Medjugorje. Second point: when he took the entire pastoral care of this parish and legally placed it under his direct control and his direct pastoral care, wanting to give the parish such a great importance, so great, that he appointed, something unique in the world, one bishop, with all the jurisdiction of one diocesan bishop, only for this parish.
The third point, what he did a few weeks ago, telling the whole world that nihil obstat, which means one very important thing: the translation nihil obstat means there is nothing against it, but actually he wants to say briefly go, go, go to Medjugorje, because that is a place of profound spirituality and faith that is valid for the whole world. Now we must not only maintain but also develop Medjugorje, which is located in an international framework, by cooperating as best as possible with the grace, because the greatness of this place is the grace that comes from the Holy Spirit. For this reason, I want to thank once again all those who organized this Congress and in the end collected all these works from the Congress in the Collection to help everyone cooperate with this grace for the whole world”, concluded Archbishop Cavalli, speaking at the presentation of the Collection of the scientific papers. Medjugorje as a contribution to the new evangelization”.