Encouragement for personal conversion (Fr. Marinko Šakota, OFM)


“Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call. (With Ecclesiastical approval)

“May this springtime be an encouragement for you to personal conversion, to pray and love God above all else with your lives, for all those in need.”


We learn especially from Jesus as well as from the Virgin Mary, that nature is a school in which we can comprehend a lot about spirituality. When Jesus wants to explain to his listeners what the Kingdom of God is, He uses images from nature. The Virgin Mary does the same when she speaks to us about conversion in this message.

If we want conversion to be experienced in our lives and if we desire to realize what conversion is then let us look at nature. Specifically: let us observe it with the arrival of spring. The month of March is a time of “conversion,” that is a change. The weather “circles” and changes. The cold winter weather weakens, and the warmth of spring intensifies. A “transformation” is visible on the trees and in the meadows. Death of winter turns into new life. The Virgin Mary emphasizes on the word “the personal” because I need conversion not others do. We often think the opposite: that it is not me who needs to change, but others do. Such thoughts may hinder conversion. And when someone does not feel the need for conversion, he closes himself off from the “Sun”, from God’s action, hence from the coming of new life. Let’s imagine that nature would not desire to “transform” in spring? What if it said “no” to the growing solar heat? Doesn’t it happen that, if the conditions are met, every creature in nature reveals itself in spring? And what about man? What happens when all the conditions are fulfilled? The Virgin Mary names the goals of conversion: 

  1. a) to pray with our lives and love God above all else; 
  2. b) for all those who are in need. 

When someone is converted, when his life changes, his attitudes towards God and man also change. He isn’t focused only on himself, his worries and pleasures anymore, but thinks much more about God and people in need. God becomes so important to him that he pays Him more attention and devotes more time to Him than before. He not only begins and ends his day with prayer, but also his prayer becomes more profound and he prays with his heart. He no longer reads and listens to God’s word as something that does not concern him, but recognizes himself in it as in the mirror. His eyes are more attentive to people who need help, and his heart is more open and ready to help them. From the superficial and indifferent believer he becomes an active and involved.


Little children, be My hands of peace and prayer, be love for all who do not love, do not pray and do not want peace.” 


When believer experiences conversion in his life then his mentality and way of thinking change. Conversion becomes noticeable in his prayer. Such person doesn’t pray for himself and his needs anymore. He does not simply read the messages of the Most Blessed Mother of God and put them aside, but listens to Her heart, Her needs and desires which She expresses. For example, this message above hints at the Mother’s cry to unite with Her in the struggle for the salvation of the world. Therefore, the believer cares to help to fulfill Our Lady’s plans. He knows that he cannot change the whole world, but, like Mary, he believes that nothing is impossible for God. He considers himself a collaborator of God and the Virgin Mary. Everything he does is not done on his own or with a power of his will, but he allows God and the Virgin Mary to act through him more and more. Thereby he becomes the “hands of the Virgin Mary”.

Once a journalist tried to provoke Mother Teresa: “Mother Teresa, you are seventy years old. When you die, the world will be the same as it was before you. What has changed in the world after all your efforts?” She replied with a great impatience and victorious smile: “You know, I have never been striving to change the world. I have been simply trying to be a drop of pure water where God’s love reflects. Does it seem to you a small thing?” As it used to be there was silence in the room. No one dared to say anything. Mother Teresa turned to the journalist again and said: “Why don’t you try to be a drop of pure water? There would be two of us then. Are you married?” “Yes”,— “Tell this your wife as well. Then there would be three of us. Do you have children?” — “Yes, three.” — “Tell this your children as well. Then there would be six of us.” 

How many Christians do not follow the Virgin Mary and Mother Teresa, but are inspired by people who are conquered by the spirit of this world? And this spirit, especially individualism and selfishness, penetrates their lives, so that they say: “What do I care about others? I have my own life. I don’t care about others. Their problems and concerns belong only to them.” How many Christians have been tempted and conquered by this spirit? How many people locked themselves in their apartments without desire to have something in common with others, and thus have become instruments of selfishness? How many people do have coldness towards others?

 It is worth thinking about your health, but how many people do devote their time and spend their money only on their health and take care of their body with great attention? It is necessary to have peace within ourselves and our family, but how many people do only care about their own peace? It is necessary to take care of our family, work and earn money, but how many people do only care that they have? 

Our Lady wants to protect us from this spirit, which is completely contrary to Jesus, so that She calls us to behave differently: to give love to other people. A believer who is guided by this love is not indifferent, he is not indifferent to how others live, but he thinks about them, cares about them and tries to do something for them. He does not pay attention to others who are not involved, but takes the initiative. In this way he becomes the hands of peace and prayer of the Virgin Mary. 

Our Lady teaches us that we can love others just praying for them. When a believer prays for those who do not love, do not pray, and do not desire peace, then he shows love for them. Of course, this is the beginning of love. Prayer should encourage him to act. 

The question arises: Who do I follow? Who is my model and measure of my behavior? Will I follow people who have been overcome by the spirit of this world and will I allow to be infected by their selfishness, or will I follow the Most Blessed Mother of God and become Her hands of peace and prayer, Her love for people? Will I live only for myself, for my short-term pleasures, worrying only about my health and body, only about my peace and money, will I miss this moment of grace that the Virgin Mary gives me, and will I not help the Mother who cries out for our help quietly however strongly?

The spring that is ahead brings us beautiful messages. If we only could read them…


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