I call you to conversion (Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM)

Message from the Queen of Peace, 25. January 2025

“Dear children, In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call. (With Ecclesiastical approval)


In the message for the month of December, the Holy Mother of God called us to pray for the much-desired and necessary peace. In the last message, She calls us to conversion. There are many messages of the Mother of God in which she calls us to conversion. She does this even today, in this blessed and Jubilee year, which was opened by Pope Francis on the eve of Christmas on December 24, 2024.

In the Catholic Church, the beginning of the celebration of the Jubilee year goes back to Pope Boniface VIII, who opened the first Jubilee on February 22, 1300. It was a time of great wars, deadly infectious diseases and other plagues, so there was a desire among believers for a stronger spiritual life and growth in holiness.

We know from the Old Testament about the celebration of Jubilee years, where charity and social justice were especially emphasized. Celebrations of Jubilee years in our Church are aimed at obtaining forgiveness of temporal punishments and taking care of eternal salvation. In a certain way, the anniversary is a connecting link between the earthly and the heavenly, therefore, a manifestation of faith in eternal life.”In this blessed year, I call you to conversion.”Conversion is a turning point in life and a change in mentality and all human activity. To convert means to return your whole life to Jesus Christ. Renounce not only sin, but also other false gods that man worships. In conversion, it is necessary to realize that we do not lose anything, but gain everything. Only through conversion and change can God give us his gifts. Without renunciation, there is no conversion. He who cannot renounce himself falls into a trap. What you cannot renounce becomes your slavery.There is a radical decision to follow God, but also a lifelong struggle to direct one’s life toward God. It is necessary to leave great, grave sins, to leave sinful opportunities and to renounce evil. Forgiveness, reconciliation and love for enemies create the possibility of new relationships between people. To convert means to allow God to truly be God in life. So that He would be in the most important place, in the first place. If God is in his place, then all other things are in their place.Prayer, talking to God should be more important than talking to people. It is necessary to stand on the side of reconciliation, forgiveness, love and kindness. Conversion is impossible without prayer. Converting does not mean getting angry at others and yelling at them to convert, but for me to convert. The biggest mistake is to think that we are converted. We must always think that it is now that we need conversion; only in this way can we remain constantly active in our journey to God.


PrayerVirgin Mary, You have traveled roads so similar to ours. You also passed the test of faith from the first minute of meeting God through the Archangel Gabriel. Then you said your complete “YES” to God. But you never stopped repeating this “YES” to God and thus you yourself grew on the path of faith. You know, oh Mother, our roads. You know where we are and what we lack. You love, therefore you see best, because You look with the heart. Ask us from the Lord, whose servant and mediator You are, for the grace of true conversion of the heart and endurance on the path of conversion. Amen.












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I remain with You (Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM)