I remain with You (Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM)

As we have already said, after Holy Mass and Communion, we must spend more time in communication with Christ in prayer, thanksgiving, and silence. Simply put, we must be with Jesus because He wants to be with us.

 (Determine this time according to your capabilities.) I suggest one way we can stay with Jesus.

The first part can be deep silence, filled with short prayers that we can repeat in our hearts for a while and thus descend into the depths of our souls, where only God can enter and dwell. It would be very appropriate to sit or kneel with closed eyes and exclude external extraneous factors. It is advisable to spend a few minutes on each appeal.

– Jesus, I believe in You… (Shut up and repeat in your heart…) 

– Jesus, I love You… 

– Jesus, I trust You… 

– You are a true God and a true person… 

– You are the Savior and Redeemer…

— In Your name I renounce sin…

 – Cleanse me from all evil…

 – Jesus, my life belongs to You… 

– Jesus, heal my heart and soul…

 – Jesus, I give you myself and everything I have… 

– Jesus, I love You in all people..

.- Jesus, I want to carry You to others… 

– Jesus, come with me to my house… 

– Jesus, bless me… 

– Jesus, heal all the sick… (or if you are praying for someone, remember). – Jesus, give me your peace… – Lord, thank you… 

(As much as possible, I will try to keep my heart repeating these or similar calls throughout the day.) ENTERING THE EASTER ATMOSPHERE: GLORIOUS MYSTERIES To take part in the Mass means to go through all the Easter mysteries: the life, death and glorification of Christ. Participating in part actually means doing it partially. Therefore, as far as time allows, it would be good to remain immersed in the truths and mysteries of the glorious events, so that one can then enter into life and work with a true Eucharistic spirit and heart.If you do not have time to stay in the church, continue to pray this rosary while returning home on foot, by car or by other means of transport. Let it be a meditative walk. Therefore, repeat the  before the mysteries in your heart, and then pray the mysteries quietly, living them with love. If you can sing, you can repeat “hallelujah”. 

1.Lord, You are risen. Let the Easter light be in my soul.

Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father…, Oh my Jesus…

 2.Lord, You ascended to heaven. Bless me and the whole world.

Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father…, Oh my Jesus…

3.Lord, You filled the apostles with the Spirit. Renew the face of the earth.

 Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father…, Oh my Jesus…

4.Mary, You were taken to heaven. Be comfort and hope for us all.

Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father…, Oh my Jesus…

  1. Mary, You are the Queen of heaven and earth. Lead us to peace.

Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father…, Oh my Jesus…

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I call you to conversion (Fr. Lubo Kurtovych, OFM)

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33-Day Consecration to St. Joseph