14.02-19.03 Preparation” for the Consecration to Saint Joseph Day 1, 14.02, Noble Offspring of David Day 2, 15.02, Light of the Patriarchs DAY 3, 16.02, Spouse of the Mother of God DAY 4, 17.02, Chaste Guardian of the Virgin DAY 5, 18.02, Foster-Father of the Son of God DAY 6, 19.02, Zealous Defender of Christ DAY 7, 20.02, Head of the Holy Family DAY 8, 21.02, Most Just DAY 9, 22.02, Most Chaste DAY 10, 23.02, Most Prudent DAY 11, 24.02, Most Courageous DAY 12, 25.02, Most Obedient DAY 13, 26.02, Most Faithful DAY 14, 27.02, Mirror of Patience DAY 15, 28.02, Lover of Poverty DAY 16, 1.03, Model of Workmen Day 17, 2.03, Glory of Domestic Life DAY 18, 3.03, Guardian of Virgins DAY 19, 4.03, Pillar of Families DAY 20, 5.03, Comfort of the Afflicted DAY 21, 6.03, Hope of the Sick DAY 22, 7.03, Patron of the Dying DAY 23, 8.03, Terror of Demons DAY 24, 9.03, Protector of the Holy Church DAY 25, 10.03, Guardian of the Mystery of God DAY 26, 11.03, Patron of Carpenters DAY 27, 12.03, Patron of Social Justice DAY 28, 13.03, Patron of Unborn Children DAY 29, 14.03, Patron of Travelers