The future priests, Gonzalo Moreno and Father Carlos Ballbé from Spain, were our guests on Radio MIR Medjugorje. As they told us, their spiritual vocations are the fruit of Medjugorje. Father Gonzalo first heard about this place in 2005, after John Paul II died: “When I was working for one of the local newspapers, in Madrid, the news reached us that one of the visionaries had seen Pope John Paul II during one from the Apparitions of the Virgin. The director of the newspaper showed great interest in this information and later one of our journalists was sent to Medjugorje, as more and more people were also interested in it. I wanted to go with him. My opinion about Medjugorje was quite negative, I did not believe and had a lot of resistance. While in Madrid, we interviewed several people and what they told us about Medjugorje seemed quite strange to me. Despite this, after coming here, everything changed dramatically. I was able to see how people live by faith, sacramental life, and deep devotion to the Mother of God is hidden in all of this. Thanks to Medjugorje and the spirituality present there, I continue to grow in my relationship with God, my attitude towards the Church as a son, and towards the Mother of God – my Heavenly Mother. The fruit of Medjugorje is that we can know who God is very deeply. People who have been to Medjugorje have a real experience of a relationship with God. God is not a theory for them. I have been here 20 times since 2006. When I returned home and told about this place, no one believed my words, why I was so enthusiastic about sharing the experience I had. People could not believe even when I decided to go to the seminary to study to become a priest. They actually had a lot of reasons not to believe me, the way I didn’t have a good past with my ex… I was also involved in drugs. And I understand it perfectly, why they do not believe, but now they have believed, since I am a real miracle for the Mother of God. And I also encourage everyone else to go to Medjugorje.” Father Carlos first came to Medjugorje in 2005. “First of all, I would like to say that my life changed completely after I got to this place. It was here that I received my calling and experienced intimacy with God. My whole family changed because of Medjugorje. I immediately believed in the Apparitions of the Mother of God. My vocation is the first fruit I received in Medjugorje, as I never thought about becoming a priest. It was in Medjugorje that I made this decision – the place where I began to learn to pray with my heart – together with the Mother of God… Until that time, I wanted to become a war reporter and also played hockey professionally. I have been playing this sport since I was 5 years old. Two years ago, when I came here again, a big change happened in my life. To go back to Medjugorje means to go back to the roots, to the place where this change began, it means to get a breath of fresh air and to start breathing fully again.