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My life with father Slavko

My life with father Slavko

My name is Vicica Dodig, I am from Medjugorje. It grew both here and in Germany. In 1986 in Medjugorje, during the testimony of the visionary Vicka, I had a profound experience of peace. It…

Return to first love

Return to first love

1997 is forever etched in my heart as a year of revival in Jesus Christ. I experienced His love, which in one moment healed my painful soul and pulled me out of the chains of…

Interview with visionary Maria Lunetti for the 40th anniversary of the apparitions

Interview with visionary Maria Lunetti for the 40th anniversary of the apparitions

What did the first apparition of the Mother of God look like? The Mother of God was on the mountain, and we are below. We were all stunned. The first few days we lived like…

How God healed our marriage

How God healed our marriage

My childhood was pretty good. I am from a large family, we had 5 children. My parents were believers, they raised us in a religious spirit and with love for God. We regularly attended Holy…

Chosen parish of Medjugorje and visionaries

Chosen parish of Medjugorje and visionaries

At the beginning of the apparition, the visionaries asked the Mother of God why she appeared in this parish, to which the Mother of God replied: “My dear angels, there are many believers here. I…

In the School of Our Lady
The pilgrims’ gatherings in Medjugorje

The pilgrims’ gatherings in Medjugorje

The pilgrims’ gatherings in Medjugorje Fr. Leonard Orec, OFM, 1996 1. Prayer Areas There are three main areas where the pilgrims gather in Medjugorje: APPARITION HILL This is how the area of Podbrdo, above the…

Medjugorje Songs of Adoration

Medjugorje Songs of Adoration

We adore you o God / Adoramus te Domine / Ti adoriamo o Signore Come Holy Spirit / Vieni Sancte Spiritus / Vieni Spirito Santo Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya / Vieni a noi Signor, vieni…

The apparitions of Our Lady today

The apparitions of Our Lady today On June 24, 1981, at about 6pm, six young parishioners from Medjugorje: Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Ivan Ivankovic and Milka Pavlovic, saw on the hill…