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Category: Medjugorje

A short historical presentation

A short historical presentation

1. The Pre-Croatian Period If we were to judge by the caves existing in the area of Brotnjo as well as in the parish of Medjugorje, we can’t completely exclude the possibility of habitation as…

Fr. Slavko Barbarić

Fr. Slavko Barbarić

DR. FR. SLAVKO BARBARIC, OFM IN MEMORIAM Father Slavko Barbaric died on November 24, 2000 at 3.30 p.m. After the Way of the Cross, that he animated usually every Friday on the Hill of Krizevac…

In the School of Our Lady
The pilgrims’ gatherings in Medjugorje

The pilgrims’ gatherings in Medjugorje

The pilgrims’ gatherings in Medjugorje Fr. Leonard Orec, OFM, 1996 1. Prayer Areas There are three main areas where the pilgrims gather in Medjugorje: APPARITION HILL This is how the area of Podbrdo, above the…

Testimonies 1981

Testimonies 1981

TESTIMONIES FROM AND ABOUT MEDJUGORJE In the last number of our paper on p. 24 we wrote a special message to our readers that we would like to repeat here word for word: “Dear readers!…

Testimonies 1982

Testimonies 1982

CARNATIONS FROM LJUBLJANA IN MEDJUGORJE The feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the parish of Medjugorje was permeated with a unique and exceptional spiritual atmosphere. The multitude of faithful prepared…

Testimonies 1996

Testimonies 1996

MEDJUGORJE, THE NEW EMMAUS INTERVIEW WITH FR. TOMISLAV PERVAN by Miro Brcic With the beginnings of Medjugorje, we encounter something which we can call world phenomena, a miracle in the making which is surviving and…

Interview: Felicia of Abensperg and Traun

Interview: Felicia of Abensperg and Traun

Felicia, Countess of Abensperg and Traun, has been repeatedly coming to Medjugorje for about 20 years now. As a Christian and a mother of a large family, as well as a citizen of the world,…



Countless pilgrims have passed through Medjugorje and countless numbers of them have given their testimonies in different ways. They are dispersed everywhere and it is impossible to collect them. On these pages we are going…

Healings in Medjugorje

Healings in Medjugorje

Many miraculous healings, both spiritual and physical, are accompanying and have accompanied the apparitions of the Queen of Peace. It is not possible to confirm spiritual healings by spec ific documentation. It is confirmed by…



I. GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION, CLIMATE, HYDROGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS AND VEGETATION 1.1. GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION OF HERZEGOVINA The Parish of Medjugorje is situated in the southern part of Herzegovina in the present-day state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order…

A gift for Our Lady

A gift for Our Lady

A Novena to the Queen of Peace Međugorje 1981 – 2001 © Informativni Centar « Mir »-Medjugorje What to offer to Our Lady for the 20th Anniversary of Her apparitions What could we offer to…

Prayer intentions for the Queen of Peace

Prayer intentions for the Queen of Peace

PRAYER INTENTIONS THAT WE RECEIVE ARE PRESENTED TO OUR LADY. 21 June 1984. Pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having answered my call. 23 August 1984. Pray, pray. Marija says that she had also invited…

Yearly Messages to Mirjana

Yearly Messages to Mirjana

Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez and Jakov Colo had daily apparitions until 1982, 1985, i.e. 1998. Since then, Our Lady appears to them once a year and gives a message. Inasmuch as the work on the…

The Last Daily Meetings to Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov

The Last Daily Meetings to Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov

THE LAST OF MIRJANA DRAGICEVIC’S DAILY MEETINGS WITH OUR LADY, CHRISTMAS 1982 “My last regular meeting with Our Lady was on Christmas day, the 25th of December 1982. At that time, Our Lady stayed with…

Detailed Description of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace, as she appears in Medjugorje

Detailed Description of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace, as she appears in Medjugorje

Over the years people questioned the visionaries of Medjugorje about Our Lady’s appearance, but the most successful inquirer by far was the author, Fr. Janko Bubalo, a Franciscan of the Hercegovinian province. He had followed the…